2018年5月18日 星期五

China's Salami-Slicing Policy toward Taiwan

China's Salami-Slicing Policy toward Taiwan - by Seth Cropsey


5 days ago - China's Salami-Slicing Policy toward TaiwanSeth Cropsey. On April 18 and 19, China conducted live-fire exercises in the Taiwan Strait.

哈德逊研究所美国海权中心主任克罗普西(Seth Cropsey)星期一在保守派杂志《国家评论》网站上发表文章,呼吁美国终止中国对台湾采取的“切香肠式政策”。
salami slicing
  1. the process of gradually reducing the size of something by a series of small incremental steps.

    "several years of false economies from the salami slicing of budgets had created an underlying lack of confidence"

2012年12月31日 星期一

slicing, safety net, take a loss, salami, Iron Curtain

Sliced Bread
Sliced Bread

As Job Loss Rises, Obama Aides Act to Fix Safety Net 
Administration officials said that a new effort to combat unemployment would not add up to a second stimulus package, only an extension of the first.

U.K. Loss on Northern Rock
The U.K. sold nationalized lender Northern Rock to Virgin Money, taking a loss in the government's first sale of a bailed-out British bank.

States Slashing Social Programs for Vulnerable

A large majority of states are slicing into their social safety nets, often crippling preventive efforts that officials say would save money over time.

Their meeting will not have anything to do with Iraq’s national sovereignty, but instead will involve slicing up billions of dollars in work for the defense contractors that support the American military’s presence in the country.

When those agents set out to produce not only a friendly sphere of Soviet influence but also a cordon of dictatorships reliably responsive to Russian orders, Winston Churchill was moved to warn, just days after the Nazis’ surrender in 1945, that an Iron Curtain was being drawn through the heart of Europe. (He coined the metaphor in a message to President Truman a full year before he used it in public in Fulton, Mo.) And Matyas Rakosi, the “little Stalin” of Hungary, was well known for another apt metaphor, describing how the region’s political, economic, cultural and social oppositions were to be destroyed by “cutting them off like slices of salami.”

 1945年,納粹剛剛投降不久,溫斯頓·丘 吉爾(Winston Churchill)就警告說,一道鐵幕已經在歐洲的心臟地帶降下(他首先在給杜魯門總統[President Truman]的一封信里使用這個比喻說法,整整一年之後,他才在密蘇里州富爾頓公開用這個詞)。匈牙利的“小斯大林”馬加什·拉科西(Matyas Rakosi)做過另外一個恰當的比喻,也非常出名,他說這個地區政治、經濟、文化和社會上的反對勢力會“像薩拉米香腸切成片”那樣被摧毀。

Salami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Salami - CachedShare
Salami is cured sausage, fermented and air-dried meat, originating from one of a variety of animals. Historically, salami has been popular among Southern ...


n. - 薄片, 一份, 切片
