2018年5月11日 星期五

partisan mud-wrestle, plaster, airbrushed, text-heavy, heavy crop, a crop, drinker, bacchanal, St. Patrick's Day

Gina Haspel’s confirmation hearing was less an honest airing of concerns than a partisan mud-wrestle
Ms Haspel’s performance at her confirmation hearing should assuage some critics

Why Xi Jinping’s (Airbrushed) Face Is Plastered All Over China

Amazon plastering subway cars with Nazi and imperial Japanese insignias.

Limit your alcohol intake

In a complex world, some things are clear; getting plastered is bad for the brain.The Caerphilly study confirmed that high alcohol intake above recommended limits is one of the lifestyle factors associated with an increased risk of dementia. 
How will you be celebrating today? Impress your fellow revelers with these fun St. Patrick's Day facts: http://cnn.it/1ASFReg

Will you see this “three-hour bacchanal of sex, drugs and conspicuous consumption”?

Benjamin Franklin once said that "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy," a statement plastered on the walls of any number of pubs around the country to imbue drinkers with the bacchanalian spirit.

Okay, so those weren't exactly Franklin's words, however many times the quote has been attributed to him on novelty t-shirts. According to the Washington Post, the quote evolved from a statement Franklin made about wine, which he preferred over beer.
But whatever Franklin's alcohol of choice may have been, it's clear that the guy really enjoyed a good drink. So much so, in fact, that he acquired an extensive vocabulary of words and phrases dedicated to the art of drinking and getting drunk.
In 1737, Franklin shared this knowledge with the world by publishing his own 'Drinker's Dictionary' in the Pennsylvania Gazette, comprised of 220 expressions that, in Franklin's words, "signify plainly that A MAN IS DRUNK."
Now, the "Drinker's Dictionary" has found its way to YouTube thanks to "I Made America," a transmedia project which transplants six of our founding fathers into 21st century Chicago. In the video, a modern day Ben Franklin recites all 220 drunken sayings in a row, so viewers finally know that a party isn't really a party unless someone "Has Stole a Manchet out of the Brewer's Basket."

Goldman Names Managing Directors The crop of 261 executives is the smallest at Goldman in years, reflecting a recent cost-cutting push by the firm.


3 ((略式))((a 〜))どっさり(の), (…の)群れ[集まり]((of ...))
a crop of lies
a splendid crop of hair

there are text-heavy sites and design-heavy ones

New Yorker Finds Financial Success With IPad App

Magazine's text-heavy approach brings in more than $1M. 


(hĕv'ē) pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Having relatively great weight: a heavy load.
  2. Having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity.
    1. Large, as in number or quantity: a heavy turnout; heavy casualties.
    2. Large in yield or output: heavy rainfall.
  3. Of great intensity: heavy activity; heavy fighting.
    1. Having great power or force: a heavy punch.
    2. Violent; rough: heavy seas.
    1. Equipped with massive armaments and weapons: a heavy cruiser; heavy infantry.
    2. Large enough to fire powerful shells: heavy guns.
    1. Indulging to a great degree: a heavy drinker.
    2. Involved or participating on a large scale: a heavy investor.
  4. Of great import or seriousness; grave: heavy matters of state.
    1. Having considerable thickness: a heavy coat.
    2. Broad or coarse: drew the face with heavy lines.
    1. Dense; thick: a heavy fog.
    2. Slow to dissipate; strong: "There was a heavy fragrance of flowers and lemon trees" (Mario Puzo).
    3. Too dense or rich to digest easily: a heavy dessert.
    4. Insufficiently leavened: heavy bread.
    5. Full of clay and readily saturated: heavy soil.
    1. Weighed down; burdened: trees heavy with plums.
    2. Emotionally weighed down; despondent: a heavy heart.
    3. Marked by or exhibiting weariness: heavy lids.
    4. Sad or painful: heavy news.
    1. Hard to do or accomplish; arduous: heavy going; heavy reading.
    2. Not easily borne; oppressive: heavy taxes.
  5. Lacking vitality; deficient in vivacity or grace: a heavy gait; heavy humor.
  6. Sharply inclined; steep: a heavy grade.
  7. Having a large capacity or designed for rough work: a heavy truck.
  8. Of, relating to, or involving the large-scale production of basic products, such as steel: heavy industry.
  9. Of or relating to a serious dramatic role.
  10. Physics. Of or relating to an isotope with an atomic mass greater than the average mass of that element.
  11. Loud; sonorous: a heavy sound; heavy breathing.
  12. Linguistics. Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a long vowel or in a vowel plus two consonants.
  13. Slang.
    1. Of great significance or profundity.
    2. Very popular or important: a rock star who is really heavy.
adv., -i·er, -i·est.
Heavily: The snow is falling heavier tonight than last night.

n., pl., -ies.
    1. A serious or tragic role in a play.
    2. An actor playing such a role.
  1. Slang. A villain in a story or play.
  2. Slang. A mobster.
  3. Slang. One that is very important or influential: a media heavy.
[Middle English hevi, from Old English hefig.]
heaviness heav'i·ness n.
SYNONYMS heavy, weighty, hefty, massive, ponderous, cumbersome. These adjectives mean having a relatively great weight. Heavy refers to what has great physical weight (a heavy boulder) and figuratively to what is burdensome or oppressive to the spirit (heavy responsibilities). Weighty literally denotes having considerable weight (a weighty package); figuratively, it describes what is onerous, serious, or important (a weighty decision). Hefty refers principally to physical heaviness or brawniness: a hefty book; a tall, hefty wrestler. Massive describes what is bulky, heavy, solid, and strong: massive marble columns. Ponderous refers to what has great mass and weight and usually implies unwieldiness: ponderous prehistoric beasts. Figuratively it describes what is complicated, involved, or lacking in grace: a book with a ponderous plot. Something cumbersome is difficult to move, handle, or deal with because it is heavy, bulky, or clumsy: cumbersome luggage.


  • 発音記号[hévi]
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
(1) 重い, 重量のある;比重の大きい;〈衣料が〉厚い
a heavy load
heavy blankets
“How heavy is your husband?” “He is about 70 kilos. ”
「あなたのご主人の体重はどのくらいですか」「70キロぐらいです」(▼×He is about 70 kilos heavy. とはいわない).
(2) 〈物が〉(…で)重い, (…で)いっぱいの((with, on ...))
a tree heavy with fruit
2 大量の, 多量の, 程度[規模]の大きい;〈森林などが〉密生した
a heavy crop
a heavy expense
(a) heavy applause
heavy traffic
a heavy turnout at the polls
3 ((略式))〈人が〉(…を)大量に使う[買う, 食べる, 飲む]((on ...));〈車が〉(燃料などを)多く消費する((on ...))
a heavy drinker [smoker]
a heavy buyer
heavy use [consumption]
go heavy on the beer
4 力が強い, 強烈な;〈風・雨などが〉ひどい, 猛烈な;〈海が〉荒れた, しけた;〈戦闘・砲火が〉激しい
a heavy blow
a heavy wind [rain]
a heavy sea
a heavy cold
Heavy fighting raged for two days.
5 〈責任・罪・ニュースなどが〉重大な;〈問題が〉ゆゆしい
a heavy offence
heavy fine [penalty]
a heavy responsibility
a heavy piece of information
6 〈仕事・業務が〉困難な, 骨の折れる;〈期間・予定が〉多忙な, きつい
a heavy task
heavy work
heavy schedule
have a heavy day
7 〈文章・文体・様式が〉わかりにくい, 重苦しい;((略式))〈新聞・雑誌が〉まじめな;〈ジャズなどが〉重厚な.
8 〈線状のものが〉太い, 幅広い;〈顔つきが〉太った;〈体格が〉がっしりした;〈服などが〉厚手の;〈筆跡が〉肉太の
heavy features
heavy eyebrows
heavy build
a heavy coat
9 〈沈黙・眠り・ため息が〉深い;〈考えなどが〉深みのある, 深遠な
a heavy sleep
heavy thinking
10 (悩み・悲しみで)元気のない, 〈心・気分が〉沈んだ;〈目つき・顔つきが〉悲しげな;〈空が〉陰うつな, どんより曇った;〈空気が〉むっとするような
in heavy spirits
11 〈悲しみ・運命が〉耐えがたい, つらい;〈税金などが〉過酷な, 重い;((略式))〈先生が〉(生徒に)厳格な, きびしい((on ...))
a heavy sorrow
heavy taxes
12 〈パンなどが〉よくふくれていない, なま焼けの;〈食べ物が〉消化の悪い, しつこい, (胃などに)もたれる((on ...));〈においが〉ぷんぷんする
heavy food
a heavy perfume
13 〈道が〉歩きにくい, ぬかるんだ;〈土が〉べたつく, 粘土質の, 耕しにくい;((米))〈坂が〉急な;《競馬》〈走路が〉重い, 重(おも)馬場の
a heavy road
heavy soil
a heavy grade
14 ((限定))《軍事》重装備の;〈砲が〉大口径の;〈爆弾が〉大型の
a heavy bomber
15 〈人が〉退屈な;愚鈍な;〈人の〉(動作などが)無器用な, ぎこちない;のろい((on, upon ...))
a heavy walk
be heavy on one's feet
16 〈音・声が〉太い;〈大砲・雷などが〉鳴り響く;《音声学》強勢のある
a heavy bass voice
17 だいじな, 重要な;((略式))〈関係が〉重々しい, 深刻な
a heavy date
a really heavy relationship
18 (子を)身ごもった((with ...)).
19 〈工業が〉(鉄鋼・石炭などの)原材料を生産する, 重…
heavy industry
20 《化学》重…
heavy hydrogen [oxygen]
21 《演劇》〈役柄が〉まじめな;悲劇的な;悪役の, 敵(かたき)役の.
22 〈人が〉流行に通じた;洗練された;インテリである.
23 〈性行為などが〉濃厚な, 激しい;((米俗))みだらな.
24 ((米略式))金持ちの, 有力な.
25 ((米俗))すばらしい, すぐれた.
be heavy on ...
find ... heavy going
1 ((通例-ies))((略式))用心棒, ボディガード;重要人物, 大物;悪漢.
2 《演劇》敵役(を演じる俳優).
3 ((the -ies))((英))まじめな新聞[雑誌].
4 《軍事》重砲, 大口径砲;重戦車;重爆撃機.
5 重騎兵;((the Heavies))((英))近衛竜騎兵.
6 ((-ies))大型車, 大型トラック.
7 ((主に英略式))ヘビー級ボクサー.
8 (暴力をふるう)大男;((俗))強盗.
come the heavy
on the heavy
heavy up
(人に)お節介なほど親切にする, 何やかやと世話を焼く((with ...)).
lie [hang, sit, weigh] heavy on ... …にのしかかる, …を悩ます
Time hangs [lies] heavy up on his hands.

revellerLine breaks: rev¦el|ler
Pronunciation: /ˈrɛv(ə)lə/

(US reveler)
Definition of reveller in English:


A person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way:drunken revellers brawled in the town centre in the early hours


Syllabification: (bac·cha·nal)
chiefly literary

  • 1 an occasion of wild and drunken revelry.
  • a drunken reveler.
  • 2a priest, worshiper, or follower of Bacchus.



mid 16th century: from Latin bacchanalis, from the name of the god Bacchus

plaster Line breaks: plas|ter
Pronunciation: /ˈplɑːstə/

Definition of plaster in English:


1[MASS NOUN] A soft mixture of sand and cement and sometimes lime with water, for spreading on walls, ceilings, or other structures, to form a smooth hard surface when dried:strip away the plaster to expose the bare brick[AS MODIFIER]: the crumbling plaster ceiling
1.1(also plaster of Paris)A hard white substance made by the addition of water to powdered and partly dehydratedgypsum, used for holding broken bones in place and making sculptures and casts:he had both arms in plaster[AS MODIFIER]: a small plaster statue of Our Lady
1.2The powder from which plaster of Paris is made.
2(also sticking plaster)British An adhesive strip of material for covering cuts and wounds:waterproof plasters[MASS NOUN]: a large piece of plaster on her forehead
2.1dated A bandage on which a poultice or liniment is spread for application. See mustard plaster.


[WITH OBJECT]Back to top  
1Cover (a wall, ceiling, or other structure) with plaster:the inside walls were plastered and paintedthe old windows have been filled and plastered over
1.1(plaster something with/in) Coat or cover something with (a substance), especially to an extent considered excessive:a face plastered in heavy make-up
1.2[WITH OBJECT AND ADVERBIAL] Make (hair) lie flat by applying a liquid to it:his hair was plastered down with water
1.3[WITH OBJECT AND ADVERBIAL] Display widely and conspicuously:her story was plastered all over the December issue
2Apply a plaster cast or medical plaster to (a part of the body).
3informaldated Bomb or shell (a target) heavily:are they expecting the air force to plaster the city tonight or what?




Old English, denoting a bandage spread with a curative substance, from medieval Latin plastrum(shortening of Latin emplastrum, from Greek emplastron 'daub, salve'), later reinforced by the Old French noun plastre. Sense 1 dates from late Middle English.


Line breaks: plas|tered
Pronunciation: /ˈplɑːstəd/

Definition of plastered in English:


1informal Very drunk:went out and got totally plastered
2Covered with or made of plaster:coarsely plastered brickwork
You could tell by his eyes that he was plastered to the hairline.

hairline (HEAD) Show phonetics
noun [C]
the edge of a person's hair, especially along the top of the forehead:
He's got a receding hairline (= He's losing his hair at the front of the head).

plaster (SUBSTANCE)
noun [U]
a substance which becomes hard as it dries and is used especially for spreading on walls and ceilings in order to give a smooth surface:
The plaster on the walls was cracked and flaking.
See also plasterboard.

plaster Show phonetics
1 [T] to spread plaster on a surface

2 [T + adverb or preposition] to make something stick in a flat smooth layer:
The torrential rain had plastered her hair to her head.

3 [T usually + adverb or preposition] INFORMAL to cover a surface or an object with something completely or thickly:
She had plastered her bedroom walls with photos of pop stars.
The car was plastered with mud.
The story was plastered all over (= printed so that it completely covered) the front page of the newspaper.

noun [U]
There's only the plastering left to be done.

noun [C]
a person whose job is to cover walls and ceilings with plaster
