The man many hail as The Greatest American Architect Ever is inextricably linked to Illinois, where a new tourism trail showcases Wright’s handiwork in the Prairie State.
Three of the United States' most significant national security challenges—Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan—are largely the results of A.Q. Khan's handiwork.
The technology keeps track of authorship, and when you're done, you can share your speech with others, who can then borrow (or ignore) your handiwork as they see fit. They can also rate your speech and comment on it.
“'Your talk," I said, 'is surely the handiwork of wisdom because not one word of it do I understand'.”
―from "The Third Policeman" included in "The Complete Novels ofFlann O'Brien"
short on shelf life long on natural taste
hand·i·work (hăn'dē-wûrk')

- Work performed by hand.
- The product of a person's efforts and actions.
[Middle English handiwerk, from Old English handgeweorc : hand, hand + geweorc, work (ge-, collective pref. + weorc, work; see work).]
Old English handgeweorc, from hand + geweorc 'something made', interpreted in the 16th century as handy + work.