Spanish Companies Feel Their Sovereign's Pain
Look out below. Spain's downgrade to the brink of "junk" by Moody's has set nerves jangling in the corporate-bond market.
Mary stands on a crescent moon. Diego Velázquez in 1618-19
- "Mary stands on a crescent moon. Enveloped in mauve satin and blue velvet, hands prayerfully joined, she gazes with pensive beneficence down upon a dark pastoral landscape. Twelve twinkling stars circle around her head, and clouds irradiated by golden light billow behind her.
What is striking about this lovely picture painted by Diego Velázquez in 1618-19, when he was just about 20 years old, is Mary's face. Painted with Vermeerish, almost photographic verisimilitude, this pretty, long-haired, big-eyed girl with the pouty lips and small chin looks uncannily modern, like a teenager you could pass on the street. "Photo: The National Gallery, London
《愛麗絲夢遊奇境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)的故事中也隨處可見數學家卡洛爾設下的機關。毫無常識的動物對話、意義不明的閒聊,其實都是卡洛爾的文字遊戲。譬如柴郡貓與愛麗絲的對話(p. 89):「妳剛說『豬』, 還是『書』?」(Did you say ‘pig’, or ‘fig’?); 或是法庭上帽匠與國王的對話(p. 153):「⋯⋯一下茶又啵啵發泡⋯⋯」(“ ── and the twinkling of the tea ── ”)、「你說什麼會啵啵發泡?」(“The twinkling of what?”)、「一開始是茶。」(“It begin with the tea”)、「我當然知道泡茶時茶會啵啵發泡!」(“Of course twinkling begins with a T!”)等等,書中多次出現這種文字遊戲。
- a twinkling [= twinkling eye/((こっけい)) twinkling a ]
- あっという間に.
adjective, noun [U]
(having) a pale purple colour
billow vi. 大波(を立てる), 大きくうねる(もの).
verb [I]
to spread over a large area, or (especially of items made of cloth) to become filled with air and appear to be larger:
Smoke billowed (out) from the burning building.
The sheets/shirts hanging on the line billowed in the breeze.
We watched the boats with their billowing sails.
noun [C usually plural]
billows of smoke

tintinnabulation (tin-ti-nab-yuh-LAY-shuhn)
noun: The ringing of or the sound of bells.
From Latin tintinnabulum (bell), from tintinnare (to ring, jingle), reduplication of tinnire (to ring), of imitative origin. Earliest documented use: 1831, in Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Bells.詳下
"Abigail gazed to the sea where splashing surf sounded like the tintinnabulation of a thousand tiny bells." — Tony Baker; A True Story; The New Zealand Herald (Auckland); Aug 19, 2008.
by Edgar Allan Poe
Hear the sledges with the bells-Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.
Hear the mellow wedding bells,Golden bells!
What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!
Through the balmy air of night
How they ring out their delight!
From the molten-golden notes,
And an in tune,
What a liquid ditty floats
To the turtle-dove that listens, while she gloats
On the moon!
Oh, from out the sounding cells,
What a gush of euphony voluminously wells!
How it swells!
How it dwells
On the Future! how it tells
Of the rapture that impels
To the swinging and the ringing
Of the bells, bells, bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells,bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells!
Hear the loud alarum bells-Brazen bells!
What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!
In the startled ear of night
How they scream out their affright!
Too much horrified to speak,
They can only shriek, shriek,
Out of tune,
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire,
In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire,
Leaping higher, higher, higher,
With a desperate desire,
And a resolute endeavor,
Now–now to sit or never,
By the side of the pale-faced moon.
Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash, and roar!
What a horror they outpour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!
Yet the ear it fully knows,
By the twanging,
And the clanging,
How the danger ebbs and flows:
Yet the ear distinctly tells,
In the jangling,
And the wrangling,
How the danger sinks and swells,
By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells-
Of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells,bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
In the clamor and the clangor of the bells!
Hear the tolling of the bells-Iron Bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.
And the people–ah, the people-
They that dwell up in the steeple,
All Alone
And who, tolling, tolling, tolling,
In that muffled monotone,
Feel a glory in so rolling
On the human heart a stone-
They are neither man nor woman-
They are neither brute nor human-
They are Ghouls:
And their king it is who tolls;
And he rolls, rolls, rolls,
A paean from the bells!
And his merry bosom swells
With the paean of the bells!
And he dances, and he yells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the paean of the bells-
Of the bells:
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the throbbing of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells-
To the sobbing of the bells;
Keeping time, time, time,
As he knells, knells, knells,
In a happy Runic rhyme,
To the rolling of the bells-
Of the bells, bells, bells:
To the tolling of the bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells-
Bells, bells, bells-
To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

v., -gled, -gling, -gles.
To make a harsh metallic sound: The spurs jangled noisily.
- To cause to make a harsh discordant sound.
- To have an irritating effect on: The racket from the street jangled my nerves.
A harsh metallic sound.
[Middle English janglen, to chatter, from Old French jangler, probably of Germanic origin.]
jangler jan'gler n.
- characterized by or expressive of prayer.
"the church has a prayerful atmosphere"- (of a person) given to praying; devout.