"In the heart of a business section Thomas keeps this speakeasy on the second floor. . . . Drinking starts at 8:30 A.M. when full-bellied Irish contractors drop in for a solidly comforting rye." -Fortune Magazine, 1933
⋯⋯更多Before LIFE magazine even existed, Margaret Bourke-White was shooting for Fortune. See her 1933 story on "Speakeasies of New York" here: http://ti.me/1qEPGeU
(Margaret Bourke-White—The LIFE Picture Collection)
"He even ran a small chain of temperance hotels including one down the hill from St Paul's cathedral."
dandelion wine 蒲公英酒 及其它
At Christmas, Joe brought a jug of red dandelion wine 【a wine made withdandelion petals and other ingredients, commonly citrus fruit.】as his gift (those were Prohibition days).
Dandelion wine is presented as a metaphor of summer here, bottled for the winter season of illnesses and wheezing. In Douglas' words: "Dandelion wine. The words were summer on the tongue. The wine was summer caught and stoppered."
Londoners embrace the speakeasy bar culture
London's classiest cocktail lovers are turning to America's Great
Depression for inspiration - but not for the quality of its alcohol.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
prohibition of books :禁書。詳見 index of forbidden books 。
Newly hired workers for Foxconn waited in Zhengzhou, the Chinese city where iPhones are made 24 hours a day.
Zhengzhou Journal
The Escapes of China’s High-Tech Workers
Young people who work making iPhones and other devices flock to nightclubs and roller rinks during time off, trying to enjoy the present as they strive for a better future.
Syllabification: (rink)
Pronunciation: /riNGk/
(also ice rink or hockey rink)Origin:
late Middle English (originally Scots in the sense 'jousting ground'): perhaps originally from Old French renc 'rank'temperance : (1) 節德:是控制感官的(過分)貪求,乃四樞德之一。 (2) 節制:言詞及行為上的自我約束,尤指潔身自好、節食、節酒等。
temperance hotels
1 [U]((主に米))酒類の製造販売禁止. ⇒TEMPERANCE 1
2 ((しばしばP-))((米))禁酒法時代(1920-33).
3 [U]禁止, 差し止め, 禁制;[C](…の)禁止(法)令((against, on ...)).

n., pl., -ies.
A place for the illegal sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks, as during Prohibition in the United States.
1 [U]((主に米))酒類の製造販売禁止. ⇒TEMPERANCE 1
2 ((しばしばP-))((米))禁酒法時代(1920-33).
3 [U]禁止,差し止め,禁制;[C](…の)禁止(法)令((against, on ...)).
1 [U]((主に米))酒類の製造販売禁止. ⇒TEMPERANCE 1
2 ((しばしばP-))((米))禁酒法時代(1920-
3 [U]禁止,差し止め,禁制;[C](…の)禁止(法)令(
Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide Constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation ofalcoholic beverages that remained in place from 1920 to 1933.(Simon 出生於1916)
dandelion wine was allowed during some periods of prohibition due to its medicinal properties.
My Grampa used to make this (dandelion wine) during the depression (and prohibition).
Pronunciation: /ˈspiːkiːzi/