2019年9月26日 星期四

treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.Twitterdum and Twitterdee

America's president and Britain's prime minister, two populists, have fallen foul of their country’s institutions. Our latest cover is in two parts:
The promise and perils of Donald Trump's impeachment https://econ.trib.al/M0zEZb0
Boris Johnson's reckoning https://econ.trib.al/IVHp6UN

Twitterdum and Twitterdee

Tweedledum and tweededee,
Agreed to have a battle,
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), Through a Looking Glass

Treason!!! (19 March 1798)
John Bull emits an explosive bout of flatulence at a poster of George III as an outraged William Pitt the Younger ticks him off.
This etching by English Richard Newton was probably a comment on Pitt's threat (which was enacted the following month) to suspend habeas corpus.

 High crimes and misdemeanors :面臨彈劾調查的特朗普可能犯了什麼   
週二,美國眾議院議長佩洛西宣布,將就“烏克蘭電話門”事件對特朗普啟動正式彈劾調查 。什麼是彈劾?根據美國憲法,如果有足夠多的議員投票認定總統犯有“叛國罪、受賄罪和或其他嚴重罪行和不檢行為”(treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors ),國會可以在總統任期未滿前解除其職務。
“ High crimes and misdemeanors ”是一個源自英美法系傳統的術語:幾個世紀以來,英國議會在罷免王室官員時一直援引這類罪行。它意味著政府高級官員濫用權力,但這種行為不一定要違反一般的刑事法規,這讓它與美國法律中一般意義上的“重罪”(felony)區別開來。美國憲法中並沒有對這種以“high crimes and misdemeanors”為名的其他罪行進行具體界定,這使得彈劾總統在法律分析之外,又成了一個關乎政治意願的問題。
