2019年10月11日 星期五

ante litteram.( Bail) Bond Conditions

Furthermore, it was in Italy that Liszt invented the recital, and it was Italy that marked the beginning of his grand international tour that was to transform him into the first “rock-star” ante litteram.

Two foreign-born Florida businessmen who are associates of President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and were charged on Thursday with campaign finance crimes will be held in custody until they meet a lengthy list of conditions for bond.

Said of an expression or term that describes something which existed before the phrase itself was introduced or became common.Example: Alan Turing was a computer scientist ante litteram, since the field of "computer science" was not yet ...

Obeying Bond Conditions
Bond conditions are zero tolerance. A defendant must obey bond conditions or risk being jailed again. Many defendants fail to understand that a judge can quickly return them to jail if bond conditions are violated. Courts can monitor whether defendants obey their bond conditions in several ways.2017/01/11

Understanding the Conditions of Bail Will Be the Difference Between Useful Free Time for Work and Lawyer Consultation & Sitting in Jail Until the Trial. Make Sure You Understand!
