2011年6月24日 星期五

clock up, re-engined, Biennale, GMO

A slideshow of highlights from this year’s Paris show, at which Airbus’s re-engined A320neo clocked up some huge orders(12)

Biennale, GMO

Spectrum | 18.11.2008 | 10:30

The Venice Biennale and Architecture

Every two years, various nations gather at the world’s most prestigious international architecture event, the Venice biennale, to showcase their most innovating designs and projects.

This year many of the architects on display took their inspiration from traditional buildings, looking to the past in designing a sustainable future. The exhibition – which runs until the end of November -- has been one of the most appreciated events in Italy since its opening in September. Megan Williams reports from Venice.

Bonn’s Biennale places Turkey on centre stage

Bonn’s Biennale came to a close last weekend. This year the festival
focused on Turkey and presented works from a huge range of artists from
that country.

The DW-WORLD Article

"Genetically modified organism"
基因改造生物 GMO

くみかえ ―かへ 0 【組(み)替え/組(み)換え】


(2)〔生〕 ある個体のもつ遺伝子群のうち、任意の 遺伝子座間または座内の配列順序が変わることによって、今までとは異なる遺伝子 組み合わせが生じる機構の総称。真核生物では 生殖細胞をつくるときに、相同染色体間の交差によって 組み換えの起こる場合が一般的。遺伝的 組み換え

組み換え DNA 実験指針 【くみかえディーエヌエーじっけんししん】

組み換え DNA 実験の安全を確保するために必要な基本条件を示し, 組み換え DNA 研究の推進を図ることを目的として,2001 年(平成 13)11 月に告示されたガイドライン。教材としての実験は,「教育目的 組み換え DNA 実験」として承認手続きが簡略化されている。

くみか・える ―かへる 0 43 【組(み)替える/組(み)換える】

(動ア下一)[文]ハ下二 くみか・ふ



三省堂提供「大辞林 第二版」より凡例はこちら

Wikipedia article "Genetically modified organism" .

Zaid, A; H.G. Hughes, E. Porceddu, F. Nicholas (2001). Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture - A Revised and Augmented Edition of the Glossary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Available in English, French, Spanish and ArabicRomeItalyFAO. ISBN 92-5-104683-2.
FAO-BiotechNews — News and events about GMOs from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The name Biennale is Italian and means "every other year", describing an event that happens every 2 years. One of the most important Biennales[citation needed] is an art exhibition that takes place for three months in Venice — the Venice Biennale

Wikipedia article "Biennale".

clock up
Record accumulated hours, miles, or points. For example, It won't be easy to clock up 1,000 flying hours, or Brian clocked up a record number of baskets this year. [Mid-1900s]
