2011年6月3日 星期五

moats, crisscross, downtown, sandbag, runoff

Volunteers sandbag a farm south of Oslo, Minn., along the flooding Red River in April.
Eric Hylden/The Grand Forks Herald, via Associated Press

States Along Mississippi River Battle Runoff

Runoff from the river containing agricultural chemicals threatens to create the largest dead zone ever in the Gulf of Mexico. Above, sandbagging a farm near Oslo, Minn.

MATSUE, Japan — For decades, political views in this small city in rural western Japan were as placidly predictable as the waters in the medieval moats that crisscross its downtown. A majority of residents steadfastly supported the Liberal Democrats, who governed Japan for most of the last half-century.

Family, friends and even strangers helped an Arkansas man, Russell Petty, protect his home from a cresting river using a moat and sandbags.

moat (mōt) pronunciation
  1. A deep wide ditch, usually filled with water, typically surrounding a fortified medieval town, fortress, or castle as a protection against assault.
  2. A ditch similar to one surrounding a fortification: A moat separates the animals in the zoo from the spectators.
tr.v., moat·ed, moat·ing, moats.
To surround with or as if with a moat.
[Middle English mote, mound, moat, from Old French, mound, or Medieval Latin mota.]
[名](城・都市・動物園の動物放し飼い区域の周りの)堀(ほり), 濠(ごう).
━━[動](他)〈城・街などを〉堀で取り囲む, の周りに堀を作る.
[形]堀のある, 堀で守られた.


The spiritual relation is a crisscross relation between persons.

胡適日記全集 - Google 圖書結果 pp. 259-60


(krĭs'krôs', -krŏs') pronunciation

v., -crossed, -cross·ing, -cross·es. v.tr.
  1. To mark with crossing lines.
  2. To move back and forth through or over: crisscrossed the country on a speaking tour.
To move back and forth.

  1. A mark or pattern made of crossing lines.
  2. A state of being at conflicting or contrary purposes.
Crossing one another or marked by crossings.

In a manner or direction that crosses or is marked by crossings.

[Alteration of Middle English Cristcrosse, mark of a cross, short for Cristcross (me speed), may Christ's cross (give me success).]

1 十文字, 十字模様;十字交差.
2 食い違い, 矛盾.
3 十文字遊び(tick-tack-toe).
━━[形]〈線・道などが〉十字の, 交差する
a crisscross pattern
1 十字に, 交差して.
2 食い違って
Things go crisscross.
1 …に十字模様をつける.
2 〈場所などを〉交差する, 縦横に動く
crisscross the country
[Christ's crossの異形]
