2011年6月2日 星期四

hagiolatry, hagiocracy , hagiography, hagiology

hagiography :聖賢傳記。指教會的聖賢而言。

hagiology (1) 聖賢傳記。 (2) 聖賢研究;聖賢學。

hagiocracy (HAG-ee-ok-ruh-kee, HAY-jee-)

noun: A government by holy persons. Also a place thus governed.

From Greek hagio- (holy) + -cracy (rule). Two synonyms of this term are hagiarchy and hierocracy. Also, literally speaking, hierarchy is the rule of the high priest. Earliest documented use: 1846.

"But money has assumed a more exalted place in the Fed's hagiocracy in recent months." — Alan Murray; Slow Money Growth Stirs Worry at Fed; The Wall Street Journal (New York); Jul 29, 1991.


"A designer is only as good as the star who wears her clothes." Edith Head

Word of the Day:

hagiolatry (hag-ee-OL-uh-tree, hay-jee-)

1. The worship of saints.
2. Treating someone with undue reverence.

From Greek hagio- (holy) + -latry (worship). First recorded use: 1808.

"To quote Constantino: Dr. Jose Rizal will still occupy a good position in our national pantheon even if we discard hagiolatry and subject him to a more mature historical evaluation." — John Nery; Falling for the American Trap; Philippine Daily Inquirer (Manila, Philippines); Jun 22, 2010.
