2011年6月3日 星期五

in time, due, anticipte


The classic English pub may be a disappearing relic of a bygone era, but there are still places where the simple act of raising a pint gets its proper due.

Groupon to Gauge Limits of IPO Mania
Groupon filed to go public in a deal that could value the e-commerce company at as much as $20 billion, a hotly anticipated offering that could test the strength of a tech-investing frenzy.

In Time Wirh Rolex


in time

1. Before a time limit expires, early enough, as in His speech begins at eight, so we've arrived in time. It is often put as in time for, as in Please come in time for dinner. [Second half of 1400s] Also see in good time.

in time
early enough:
I got home just in time - it's starting to rain.
If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train.
We arrived in good time (= We arrived early) for the start of the match.

2. Eventually, within an indefinite period, as in In time you'll see that Dad was right. [c. 1450] Also see in due course.
3. In the proper musical tempo or rhythm, as in It's important to dance in time to the music. [c. 1700]

  1. Payable immediately or on demand.
  2. Owed as a debt; owing: the amount still due.
  3. In accord with right, convention, or courtesy; appropriate: due esteem; all due respect.
  4. Meeting special requirements; sufficient: We have due cause to honor them.
    1. Expected or scheduled, especially appointed to arrive: Their plane is due in 15 minutes.
    2. Expected to give birth.
    1. Anticipated; looked for: a long due promotion.
    2. Expecting or ready for something as part of a normal course or sequence: We're due for some rain. This batter is due for another hit.
  5. Capable of being attributed. See Usage Note at due to.
  1. Something owed or deserved: You finally received your due.
  2. dues A charge or fee for membership, as in a club or organization.
  1. Straight; directly: Go due west.
  2. Archaic. Duly.

[Middle English, from Old French deu, past participle of devoir, to owe, from Latin dēbēre.]

  • [æntísəpèit]

1III[名]/doing/that節/wh-節]…を予想[予期, 予知]する;…を心配[楽しみに]して待つ, 待ち望む, 当てにする;…を確信する(▼expectとは異なりto doは用いない). ⇒EXPECT[類語]
anticipate a favorable change
We anticipate much pleasure from our trip to London.
I anticipated getting a letter from my aunt.
I anticipated that he would refuse, and he did refuse.
彼なら断ってくると思っていたら, 案の定, 断ってきた.
2III[名]([副])]((形式))〈ある行為・考え方に〉先鞭(せんべん)をつける, …を先取りする, 〈人・計画などを〉(…の点で)出し抜く((in ...))
He anticipated me in writing this letter.
3 ((形式))〈人・問い・要求・依頼などに〉事前に応じる, 言われないうちにする;〈要求を〉かなえる, 聞き入れる
anticipate a person's every order
4 ((形式))〈時期・事を〉早める
anticipate one's departure
5 …を(入金を見越して)先に使う;〈債務を〉期限前に支払う
anticipated payment
━━(自)(←(他))予測[予言]する;先回りする, 先を越す.
[ラテン語anticipātus(anti-前に+capere取る+-ATE1=予測された). △ACCEPT
