2014年7月23日 星期三

circuit , breakwater, assize, gloominess, break-circuit/Circuit breaker

In a show of strength, Chinese Navy warships for the first time made a circuit of the Japanese archipelago this month, sources in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces said July 22.

The tsunami destroys the breakwater as it approaches Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. (TEPCO)

Japan Revives a Sea Barrier That Failed to Hold
New York Times
Japan's Failed Breakwaters: Nori Onishi reports on the failure of breakwater systems in protecting against large waves along Japan's coastline. By NORIMITSU ONISHI KAMAISHI, Japan — After three decades and nearly $1.6 billion, work on Kamaishi's great ...


Line breaks: gloomy
Pronunciation: /ˈgluːmi 

ADJECTIVE (gloomiergloomiest)

1Dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening:a gloomy corridor badly lit by oil lamps
2Causing or feeling depression or despondency:gloomy forecasts about the economy








Line breaks: as¦size
Pronunciation: /əˈsʌɪz 


(usually assizesHISTORICAL
A court which formerly sat at intervals in each county of England and Wales to administer the civil and criminal law. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.


Middle English: from Old French assise, feminine past participle of asseeir 'sit, settle, assess', from Latinassidere (see assess).
1 ((通例~s))(1971年までイングランド・ウェールズで定期的に開かれた民事・刑事の)巡回裁判(▼現在は刑事はCrown Court, 民事はHigh Court);その開廷期[地].
2 (立法府制定の)法律.
3 (陪審員による)裁判方式.
4 英史(中世初期の)度量衡法.


Pronunciation: /ˈsəːkɪt/
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  • 1a roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place:I ran a circuit of the village
  • British a track used for motor racing, horse racing, or athletics: Hockenheim was a fast circuit but was regarded as one of the safest
  • 2 an established itinerary of events or venues used for a particular activity, typically involving sport or public performance:the alternative cabaret circuit
  • a series of athletic exercises performed consecutively in one training session: [as modifier]:circuit training
  • a regular journey made by a judge around a particular district to hear cases in court: [as modifier]:a circuit judge
  • a district administered or formerly administered by travelling judges: the six circuits of England and Wales replaced the old system of assizes
  • a group of local Methodist Churches forming an administrative unit: the success of any chapel or Methodist circuit depended on the minister
  • a chain of theatres or cinemas under a single management:the company also bought cinema circuits in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia
  • 3a complete and closed path around which a circulating electric current can flow: the maximum number of light fittings on a circuit is twelve
  • a system of electrical conductors and components forming an electrical circuit: control circuits


[with object]
  • move all the way around (a place or thing): the trains will follow the Northern line, circuiting the capital


late Middle English: via Old French from Latin circuitus, from circuire, variant of circumire 'go round', from circum 'around' + ire 'go'

A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of waves.


(Elec.) A key or other device for breaking an electrical circuit.
Circuit breaker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
