2014年7月28日 星期一

translation, translational research, Clinical Translation immunology , Translational Medicine

2014.7.28  讀

Broad Institute
MIT Broad Center.jpg
Research typeBasic (non-clinical) and translational research
Field of research
DirectorEric Lander

2010.5新竹生醫園區指導小組上週悄悄開會,行政院國家科學委員會副主委張文昌今晚接受中央社記者訪問時表示,會中通過衛生署所提,新竹生醫園區醫院名稱不變,但功能定位以支持園區臨床轉譯(translation)研究為主,兼具急重症醫療功能。 張文昌表示,會中也決議由衛生署整合署 ...
國立陽明大學臨床醫學研究所九十八學年度第一學期授課進度表. 科目名稱:臨床轉譯免疫學. ( Clinical Translation immunology )
Translational Medicine is an emerging view of medical practice and interventional epidemiology, as a natural 21st century progression from Evidence-Based Medicine. It integrates research inputs from the basic sciences, social sciences and political sciences to optimise both patient care and also preventive measures which may extend beyond the provision of healthcare

Translational Research is the underlying basis for Translational Medicine 'the process which leads from evidence based medicine to sustainable solutions for public health problems[1]. Fulfilling the promise of translational research for improving the health and longevity of the world's populations depends on developing broad-based teams of scientists and scholars who are able to focus their efforts to link basic scientific discoveries with the arena of clinical investigation, and translating the results of clinical trials into changes in clinical practice, informed by evidence from the social and political sciences.* It has three phases[1]:

clin·i·cal (klĭn'ĭ-kəl) pronunciation
  1. Of, relating to, or connected with a clinic.
  2. Involving or based on direct observation of the patient: a clinical diagnosis.
  3. Very objective and devoid of emotion; analytical: "He spoke in the clipped, clinical monotones typical of police testimony in court" (Connie Paige).
  4. Suggestive of a medical clinic; austere and antiseptic: a clinical style of decor.
clinically clin'i·cal·ly adv.

1 [U]翻訳,通訳;[C](…から;…への)訳書,訳文((from ...;into, to ...))
literal [mechanical] translation
free translation
an excellent translation
read Dante in translation
make [do] a translation of his novel into Japanese
The poem does not bear translation.
This book has undergone several translations.
translation 異なる言語で言い換えること.
paraphrase ある文を同じ言語で別の表現にすること. また異なる言語の原典の模作を意味することもある:a paraphrase of a poem 詩の言い換え.
version 特に聖書の翻訳,また特定の書籍の訳本,作品の脚色:the Authorized Version (聖書の)欽(きん)定訳/Ninagawa's version of Macbeth 蜷川訳[演出]の『マクベス』.
2 [U][C]解釈,言い換え;((形式))転換,変形.
3 [U]((米))電信自動中継.
4 [U][C]教会(司教の)転任;(司教座・聖遺物の)移転;神学昇天.
5 [U]力学並進運動;数学平行移動.
6 [U]法律財産譲渡;遺産受取人変更.
7 遺伝翻訳:RNA情報に基づくアミノ酸合成.

 translational research 的日文翻譯和解釋:

トランスレーショナルリサーチ探索医療橋渡し研究  等等


Translational research is engineering research that aims to make findings from basic science useful for practical applications that enhance human health and well-being. It is practiced in fields such as environmental and agricultural science, as well as the health, behavioral, and social sciences.[citation needed] For example, in medicine and nursing, it aims to "translate" findings in basic research into medical and nursing practice and meaningful health outcomes. Applying knowledge from basic science is a major stumbling block in science[citation needed], partially due to the compartmentalization within science.[1] Hence, translational research is seen as a key component to finding practical applications, especially within healthcare[citation needed]. Translational research is another term fortranslative research and translational science, although it fails to disambiguate itself from research that is not scientific (e.g., market research), which are considered outside its scope.[citation needed]
With its focus on multi-disciplinary collaboration, translational research has the potential to advance applied science[citation needed]. This has been attempted particularly in medicine with translational medicine, research that aims to move “from bench to bedside” or from laboratory experiments through clinical trials to point-of-care patient applications.[citation needed]
