Imelda Staunton: 'It's in my DNA to duck and dive'
As Imelda Staunton storms the West End as another hard-scrabble working woman, she explains why it's class – and not the classics – that matters
French armored car driver suspect in heist of millions
Police in Lyon have so far been stumped in their search for the driver of an armored car who vanished with millions of euros.
The DW-WORLD Article
In his 11 days on the run, Musulin had become one of the country’s most popular antiheroes. More than a hundred Musulin Facebook fan groups have been created and he even receives marriage proposals.
"The context of the financial crisis has fostered sympathy toward this type of enterprise, " a supporter said. This seems to be the essence of Musulin’s support. Many people in France are still very angry about the economic crisis and hold a grudge against the banking system for being one of the causes of it. It’s not surprising that a bank heist would have such broad appeal — it’s almost as if Musulin was a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich (the banks) to give back to the poor (himself).
errand:名詞,(為他人做的)差事、跑腿。例句:John paid that boy 5 dollars to run an errand for him.(約翰給那男孩5元替他跑腿。)
enterprise:名詞,冒險、進取精神、勇氣。例句:You have to show some enterprise to be successful.(你要成功就得拿出一點進取心。)
(be)on the run:名詞片語,逃亡中。例句:She raised the kids on her own while he was on the run.(她在他逃亡時獨力扶養小孩。)
Top 10 Brazen Heists
As police search for the bandits who stole more than $100 million in jewels from an exclusive shop in Paris, TIME examines history's most daring heists
duck and dive
- British Use one’s ingenuity to deal with or evade a situation:she was all for a bit of ducking and diving, that’s how everyone livedMORE EXAMPLE SENTENCES
- It mostly seeks to duck and dive to avoid taking responsibility for the crass way this country is now managed on our behalf.
- Take a bit of a chance here and duck and dive a bit there.
- You see, he may duck and dive, but he cannot escape the fact that the defendants have failed to prove in any shape or form that he acted improperly, or tried to act improperly, in any game.
- 音節
- duck2
- 発音
- dʌ'k
- duckの変化形
- ducks (複数形) • ducked (過去形) • ducked (過去分詞) • ducking (現在分詞) • ducks (三人称単数現在)
1 全身[頭]をひょいと水にもぐらせる.
2 ひょいとかがむ[頭を下げる];身をかわす;逃げる;(打撃・人を)避ける;((略式))(責任などを)避ける((out (of) ...))
1 …をひょいと水に突き入れる, (池・流れなどに)ちょっと沈める((in ...)).
━━[名]ひょいと頭を下げること;ひょいと水にもぐること;身をかわすこと, よけること. duck 2 (d
v. ducked, duck·ing, ducks
1. To lower quickly, especially so as to avoid something: ducked his head as the ball came toward him.
2. To evade; dodge: duck responsibility; ducked the reporter's question.
3. To push suddenly under water. See Synonyms at dip.
4. Games To deliberately play a card that is lower than (an opponent's card).
1. To lower the head or body.
2. To move swiftly, especially so as to escape being seen: ducked behind a bush.
3. To submerge the head or body briefly in water.
4. To evade a responsibility or obligation. Often used with out: duck out on one's family.
5. Games To lose a trick by deliberately playing lower than one's opponent.
1. A quick lowering of the head or body.
2. A plunge into water.
[Middle English douken, to dive, possibly from Old English *d
can; akin to Middle Low German and Middle Dutch d