2019年11月20日 星期三

makings, in the loop, in the making

Mr. Sondland added that he and other top officials were reluctant to work with the president’s personal lawyer on the pressure campaign and agreed only at Mr. Trump’s insistence: “We followed the president’s orders.” And he said that “everyone was in the loop.”

A Sea Change for the America’s Cup
With faster yachts and a location much closer to home, this year's America’s Cup has the makings of a spectator-friendly event. But luring them remains a challenge.

A Revolution in the Making
Digital technology is transforming manufacturing, making it leaner and smarter—and raising the prospect of an American industrial revival 此處in the making 雙關語.

There were complaints that Craig was out of the loop, but couldn’t Obama have walked the single West Wing staircase up to his counsel’s office and looped him in?

The Los Angeles Times leads with a look at how President-elect Barack Obama's "first real workweek in Washington" was characterized by several missteps as he came under criticism from members of his own party for failing to keep them in the loop.


Pronunciation: /ˈmeɪkɪŋ/
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  • 1 [mass noun] the process of making or producing something:the making of videos [in combination]:decision-making
  • 2 (makings) the essential qualities needed for something:she had the makings of a great teacher
  • (makings) North American & Australian/NZ informal paper and tobacco for rolling a cigarette: he reached for his tobacco tin and makings
3 (makings) informal, dated earnings or profit.

in the making

in the process of developing or being made:a campaign that’s been two years in the making

in the loop

Provided with information and included in a decision-making process. For example, She's new to the board, but be sure to keep her in the loop. This expression uses loop in the sense of "a circle of individuals among whom information or responsibility circulates." The antonym out of the loop, meaning "left out of such a circle," dates from the same period. For example, The chairman was consistently leaving Chris out of the loop. [1970s]
