2019年11月14日 星期四

midden, susurrations of Trees

From Ancient Seeds to Scraps of Clothing, Rats’ Nests Are Full of Treasures

Material gathered and preserved in a pack rat’s midden helps researchers open new windows on the past

Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/archaeological-treasures-hidden-rat-nests-180973544/#EA1bGQjrAbG5ZcUt.99
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Though that hooly writ speke of horrible synne, certes hooly writ may nat been defouled, namoore than the sonne that shyneth on the mixne [midden].
[c 1390 Chaucer Parson's Tale l. 911]

🌳 Thomas Hardy wrote that people could identify a tree by its susurration, the sound of leaves in the wind.
Writer Bob Gilbert listens and hears how poets and musicians capture this

midden は何か: a heap (= large pile) of animal waste, or waste material thrown away by human beings in the past: . 

midden is an old dump for domestic waste which may consist of animal bone, human excrement, botanical material, mollusc shells, sherds, lithics (especially debitage), and other artifacts and ecofacts associated with past human occupation.




su·​sur·​ra·​tion | \ ˌsü-sə-ˈrā-shən  \

Definition of susurration

a whispering sound MURMUR
