2009年5月23日 星期六

gun sb down, bodyguard, webcast, doing well, doing good, banyan, Neuroimaging

Mr. Roh suffered fatal head injuries and was declared dead in a hospital in Pusan, the largest regional city, said Park Chan-jo, a police officer. Mr. Roh was accompanied by a bodyguard during his morning hike.

Slain Exile Detailed Chechen Ruler’s Cruelty

Umar S. Israilov, a former bodyguard of the president of Chechnya, for two years relentlessly accused the president of participating in torture sessions. In January, he was gunned down in Vienna.

doing well, 績效好 doing good有益社會

Hospitals are using Twitter from operating rooms, showing surgery on YouTube and having patients blog about their procedures, but ethics and privacy questions linger.

also n.
A tropical Indian fig tree (Ficus benghalensis), often widely spreading because of the many aerial roots that descend from the branches and develop into additional trunks. It is planted for ornament and shade.
[Short for banyan tree, merchants' tree, from Portuguese banian, Hindu merchant, from Gujarati vāṇiyo, from Sanskrit vāṇijaḥ.]榕樹

沒人知道愛因斯坦奇特的腦部構造是否就是他成為天才的原因或結果。毫無疑問﹐他的一些才華來自遺傳基因﹔但他從事的課題需要大量的研究思考﹐這種思維活動也可能會改變其腦部構造。舉例而言﹐2009年5月中旬﹐加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California, Los Angeles)神經影像實驗室(Laboratory of Neuroimaging)在《神經影像》(Neuroimage)雜誌上公佈一項研究報告﹐經常冥想會擴大腦部控制情緒的區域。

A broadcast of an event or a recording of an event over the World Wide Web: a webcast of the solar eclipse.

gun sb down phrasal verb [M]
to shoot someone and kill or seriously injure them, often when they cannot defend themselves:
The police officer was gunned down as he took his children to school.

A person or group of persons, usually armed, responsible for the safety of one or more other persons.
