France faces ongoing social unrest
France is not alone in feeling the effects of the economic crisis, but
public reaction has arguably been stronger than elsewhere.
The DW-WORLD Article
Madrid offers incentives for immigrants to return home
Spain is among European Union members states worst affected by the ongoing
economic crisis.
The DW-WORLD Article
keep (CONTINUE DOING) (kept, kept)
verb [I + ing form of verb] (ALSO keep on)
to continue doing something without stopping, or to do it repeatedly:
He keeps trying to distract me.
I keep on thinking I've seen her before somewhere.
I kept hoping that he'd phone me.
「校長,那年我上台領畢業證書,我問您有何忠告。您看著我說,Keep going,繼續往前走。我畢業後,進入社會工作,碰到不如意的事,腦子一定想起您鼓勵的話,Keep going。這是我終身受用不盡的勵志格言。」他告訴我。
校長接著說,他仔細回想,依稀記得有那麼一年畢業典禮,有位學生走到他跟前,靠近他耳旁說話,眼看著台下畢業生還排長龍,等著他頒發畢業證書,馬上對這學生說了一句話,Keep going……
Paul Gray校長極短的演說,有著林語堂式迷你裙迷人的幽默,真是讓人想忘也難。」【畢業贈言 聯合報╱杜杜2007.07.03 】
servicemembers軍務人員 , counseling center心理輔導中心
- Currently taking place: an ongoing festival.
- In progress or evolving.