2009年5月16日 星期六

tract, retract, census tracts

The New York Times leads with an analysis of how the wave of foreclosures that reached New York last is breaking particularly hard on minority homeowners. Defaults occur three times as often in mostly minority census tracts as in mostly white ones, often those targeted by banks for subprime loans, subprime loans, leaving them wide open for damage when the market collapsed

In her late teens, she became involved in the workers' movement. She wrote political tracts, marched in demonstrations, and advocated workers' rights. At this time, she was a Marxist, pacifist, and trade unionist. While teaching in Le Puy, she became involved in local political activity, supporting the unemployed and striking workers despite criticism by some. She also wrote about social and economic issues, including Oppression and Liberty and numerous short articles for trade union journals. This work critiqued popular Marxist thought, and gave a pessimistic account of the limits of both capitalism and socialism.

Game Maker Retracts Bid for a Rival

Electronic Arts said that it has withdrawn its $2 billion tender offer to purchase its smaller rival, ending a six-month long hostile takeover bid.

Nobel Winner Retracts Research Paper
Published: March 7, 2008
A team of scientists including Linda B. Buck, who shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, has retracted a scientific paper after the scientists could not reproduce their original findings.

census tracts
census: West's Encyclopedia of American Law (Full Article) from ...
A census tract, known in the UK as an enumeration district, is a small unit of
area used in collecting, recording, and reporting census data. ...

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tract (WRITING) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a short piece of writing, especially on a religious or political subject, which is intended to influence other people's opinions:
a moral/religious/socialist tract
Have you read John Milton's tracts on divorce?

━━ v. 引っ込める[む]; 撤回する, 取消す.
re・tract・a・ble ━━ a. re・trac・tile ━━ a. 引っ込めbうる.

re・traction━━ n. 撤回; 取消し; 収縮(性). re・trac・tive ━━ a.
