2008年2月24日 星期日


crossover Show phonetics
noun [C]
the process or result of changing from one activity or style to another:
a crossover artist/album

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

━━ a., n. クロスオーバーの, 複数のジャンルにまたがる; 【鉄道】わたり線; (他の道路を越す)陸橋; 交差地点; 〔米〕 (芸能人が)本来の分野とは別の分野で成功すること; 【楽】クロスオー

PHILANTHROPIES are discovering that for-profit status and financing can be a useful tool. For example, many microfinance lenders, modeled after Mr. Yunus’s project, the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, aim to make the crossover to profit-making institutions.
