2008年2月29日 星期五

column inch

IT IS easy to forget, now that China and India are all the rage, that until ten years ago South-East Asia was the world's fastest-developing region, winning the sort of investor attention and breathless column inches that the two new giants now enjoy.

Wikipedia article "Column inch"

WordNet: column inch
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a unit of measurement for advertising space
Synonym: inch

2008年2月28日 星期四


"蘿拉大力推動閱讀風氣,聯合國教科文組織特別宣布於2003到2012年發起全球「識字的十年」(Decade of Literacy)活動,蘿拉獲推舉為聯合國名譽大使,將促進閱讀素養活動由美國國內推上國際。 王岫 2008/02/24 聯合報】

literacy Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 the ability to read and write:
Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.

2 knowledge of a particular subject, or a particular type of knowledge:
Computer literacy is becoming as essential as the ability to drive a car.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


━━ n. 読み書きの能力; 教養.

freedom of worship

freedom, religious:宗教自由;信仰自由:人類是生而自由的,也是美國總統羅斯福於1941年所倡導的四大自由之一。梵二大公會議宣示:社會應給與個人按自己的良心信仰宗教的自由,不得用任何方式阻止或威脅之。法典227、748條亦有明文規定。

freedom of worship:信仰自由;宗教自由:人有根據自己良心敬天之權利,任何人或政權都不得干涉。

worship (RELIGION) Show phonetics
verb -pp- or US ALSO -p-
1 [T] to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god:
In the various regions of India, Hindus worship different gods and observe different religious festivals.

2 [I] to go to a religious ceremony:
They work for the same company, socialise together and worship in the same mosque.
The poll showed that over 40% of Americans worship on a weekly basis.

worship Show phonetics
noun [U]
when you worship God or a god, often through praying or singing:
daily acts of worship
Christian/Sikh/Muslim worship
For Jews, the synagogue is the centre for community worship and study.
Local people have complained about improperly dressed tourists entering places of worship (= buildings for religious ceremonies or private prayer).

worshipper, US USUALLY worshiper Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 someone who goes to a religious ceremony to worship God:
At 11am on Sunday morning, worshippers began to stream out of the cathedral.

2 someone who worships and performs religious ceremonies to a particular god or object:
devil/idol worshippers

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

holding operation and holding answer

holding operation noun [C usually singular] UK
a temporary way of dealing with a situation until a new and better way can be introduced:
This is just a holding operation until we get the new management structure sorted out.

holding answer


Parliamentary questions are conventionally answered within seven days of being lodged, or on a particular day for so-called "Named Day" questions. (Source: House of Commons Information Office, Factsheet P1, "Parliamentary Questions") A holding answer may be issued by a Minister if, for whatever reason, a substantive or final answer to the question cannot be provided in the time available.



「立法院」質詢制度,按照「立法院議事規則」第六十四條至六十六條及第六十九條規定,可分為「總質詢」,「預算質詢」、「專題質詢」與「專案質詢」四種。 前三者可以口頭或書面提出即席質詢,「專案質詢」只能以書面提出。此外,尚有「被質詢人,除為保守國防,外交秘密者外,不得拒絕答複」,而且還是「一問一 答」方式,而不能「綜合答複」。


2008年2月26日 星期二

midterm, mid-term/mediumt term

midterm Show phonetics
in the middle of the period when a government is in office:
The governing party usually does badly in midterm by-elections.

midterm Show phonetics
noun [U]
US FOR half term

half term noun [C usually singular]
in the UK, a short holiday in the middle of each of the three periods into which the school year is divided

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


━━ n., a. 〔米〕 (学期などの)中間の; 〔話〕 中間試験.
midterm election 〔米〕 中間選挙.
midterm exam 中間試験.

建議使用mediumt term
in the long/medium/short term
for a long, medium or short period of time in the future:
Taking this decision will cost us more in the short term, but will be beneficial in the long term.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Money Talks | 27.02.2008 | 04:30

Foreign Firms Invest In German Private Universities

Over the last 10 years, Germany has seen a boom in the number of private universities. These institutions have now caught the eye -- and wallet -- of foreign investors.

Laureate, an American higher education investment firm, has bought into the Business and Information Technology School, BiTS, in Iserlohn. It is the first of the 70 private universities to get foreign funding. Laureate expects the school to make money in the mid-term 介於短期與長期之間(建議 用 IN THE MEDIUM TERM) , partially because more and more students are discovering that investing in their future can have a significant payoff.

Report: Matthew Reardon

bio-ethanol Cellulosic


Ethanol fuel is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), the same type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. It can be used as a fuel, mainly as a biofuel alternative to gasoline, and is widely used in cars in Brazil. Because it is easy to manufacture and process, and can be made from very common materials, such as corn, it is steadily becoming a promising alternative to gasoline throughout much of the world.

Anhydrous ethanol (ethanol with less than 1% water) can be blended with gasoline in varying quantities up to pure ethanol (E100), and most spark-ignited gasoline style engines will operate well with mixtures of 10% ethanol (E10).[1] Most cars on the road today in the U.S. can run on blends of up to 10% ethanol,[2] and the use of 10% ethanol gasoline is mandated in some cities where harmful levels of auto emissions are possible.[3]

Ethanol can be mass-produced by fermentation of sugar or by hydration of ethylene from petroleum and other sources. Current interest in ethanol mainly lies in bio-ethanol, produced from the starch or sugar in a wide variety of crops, but there has been considerable debate about how useful bio-ethanol will be in replacing fossil fuels in vehicles. Concerns relate to the large amount of arable land required for crops,[4] as well as the energy and pollution balance of the whole cycle of ethanol production.[5][6] Recent developments with cellulosic ethanol production and commercialization may allay some of these concerns.[7]

According to the International Energy Agency, cellulosic ethanol could allow ethanol fuels to play a much bigger role in the future than previously thought.[8] Cellulosic ethanol can be made from plant matter composed primarily of inedible cellulose fibers that form the stems and branches of most plants. Dedicated energy crops, such as switchgrass, are also promising cellulose sources that can be produced in many regions of the United States.[9]

Wikipedia article "Ethanol fuel".

下)が上げられます。 フシスジモクは、日本海各地に多く分布しています。形態的特徴
は気泡が球形であり、節くれ立った茎が根本近くで数本に分かれているのが観察され ...)



 地球温暖化対策で注目されているバイオエタノールを、海藻のホンダワラ類からつくる計画が進んでいる。養殖や製造の基礎技術がほぼ確立したことを受け、 日本海に巨大養殖場を設ける構想。日本のガソリン販売量のほぼ3分の1に相当する量になるという。バイオエタノールの原料となる穀物の高騰が問題となって いるが、ほとんど食用にならないホンダワラ類が解決策の主役になる可能性が出てきた。


 竹野功璽(こうじ)・京都府立海洋センター主任研究員らは01年から日本海で、ホンダワラの養殖実験を開始。ロープに付着させた30セン チの苗が半年で1~3メートルに成長することを確認した。一方、海藻のアオサ類を使った三菱総研などの実験で、乾燥重量100グラムあたり約30ミリリッ トルのエタノールが製造できるとわかった。ホンダワラ類にも応用でき、バイオエタノールの量産化に道が開けたという。

 構想では、日本海沖合で比較的浅い「大和堆(やまとたい)」の水深約400メートルを中心とした海域に養殖場をつくる。ホンダワラ類を 植え付ける太さ約3センチのロープを100本前後組み合わせた養殖ユニット(100メートル四方)を四国の半分強の広さにあたる約1万平方キロに並べる。 沖合を活用するため、沿岸の生態系を守れる特長がある。



Cellulosic material 織維素物質

Environmental effects: corn-based vs. grass-based

バイオエタノール 【bio ethanol】


E10 燃料

ガソホールの一。ガソリンに 10%のバイオ-エタノール(エチルアルコール)を混合した燃料。E10。

2008年2月25日 星期一

smirting, smoking room,



“假抽烟 真搭讪”






“Chat-up line”


酒吧里的“Chat-up line”(搭讪经典名句)以前是:“Do you come here often?”(你常来这里吗?)

但是现在最新的搭讪名言是:“Would you have a light?”(借个火好吗?)





“Smoking Room”: 濒危词汇?

''smoking room''
烟雾弥漫的''smoking room''也常常是男人女人碰撞出爱情火花的地方

时值将至,在烟民与反烟民激烈争论禁烟法得失之际,一些“好事者”突然发现,一旦新法施行,那么“smoking room”(吸烟室)一词就等于在现代英语中彻底失去实用价值了。

因为一旦室内吸烟被禁止,又哪里还会有什么smoking room呢?有人就此推论,没了“吸烟室”的概念,这个词也自然会逐渐地、不知不觉地从人们的语言中消失。



他们指出,英国吸烟族与世界各地烟民一般,对smoking room是有着特殊感情的,因此即使政府法令取缔了它,即使是天寒地冻、风雪交加,只要有烟民汇集的地方,就一定会继续有留在烟民们心目中的“吸烟室”。


随着反吸烟、反烟草的健康声浪越来越高涨,“与世隔离”的smoking room在1980年代末期以来纷纷出现在各地主要建筑物内。


''Smoking Room''一词在今日西方文化和语言中似乎也已经带有一些突破禁锢、反叛精神的内涵。


天下烟民,只要步入smoking room,便登时路人变知音、仇敌成好友,得到即刻的认同与接受。



剧情:俊男美女邂逅在smoking room......

男人对女人说:“Have you got a light?”(借个火行吗?)




而也许正因为这些原因,认为smoking room一词会彻底从英文中消失的人估计话可能讲得有点早。


━━ n. 喫煙.
No smoking. / Smoking prohibited. ((掲示)) 禁煙.
━━ a. 湯気を出す; ((副詞的)) 湯気の立つほど.
smoking car 〈米〉 [〈英〉carriage] 喫煙車.
smoking compartment (列車の)喫煙室.
smoking concert 喫煙自由の音楽会.
smoking gun (現場に残された)決定的な証拠.
smoking jacket (男の)室内用上着, ふだん着.
smoking room 喫煙室.

verb. To wait anxiously for your suitcase to appear on the airport baggage carousel.

Example Citation:
"The only part of flying the filled him with dread was the post-flight wait for his suitcase at the baggage claim — what he called his 'bagonize' time."


━━ n. 手荷物 (〈英〉luggage); 〔英〕 軍用行李(こうり), 携帯装備; 〔古風〕 おてんば娘, あばずれ女; 〔話〕 ばばあ.
baggage car 〔米〕 (鉄道の)手荷物車.
baggage check 〔米〕 手[小]荷物預り券.
baggage claim (空港の)手荷物受取所.
baggage rack 〔米〕 (車両中の)網棚.
baggage room 〔米〕 =cloakroom.
baggage strap 〔米〕 スーツケースにかけるベルト.
baggage tag 〔米〕 手荷物の荷札.