2007年12月29日 星期六

carcass, carcase

  1. The dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered for food.
  2. The body of a human.
  3. Remains from which the substance or character is gone: the carcass of a once glorious empire.
  4. A framework or basic structure: the carcass of a burned-out building.

[Middle English carcas, from Anglo-Norman carcais and Medieval Latin carcasium.]

car・cass, car・case

━━ n. (獣の)死体; 残骸(がい); 骨組み; (人の)体.

Carcass of 37000-year-old baby mammoth arrives in Japan for study
The Canadian Press -
TOKYO - The frozen carcass of a 37000-year-old baby mammoth unearthed this summer in Siberia arrived in Japan on Saturday for tests that researchers hope ...

TimesSelect A Land of Camel Milk and Honey
In the north of the carcass of Somalia is the breakaway would-be nation of Somaliland, and it is a remarkable success — for a country that doesn’t exist.

Quo Vadis, Doctor Honoris Causa

介紹希臘文和拉丁語各一 :Quo Vadis, Doctor Honoris Causa

名誉学位(Doctor Honoris Causa)我們稱為名譽博士 這不能掛為投頭銜

Quo Vadis (基督教名言 意思是"你往何處去?")是一本著名小說 漢譯版本多 從1925/51/85各有改編電影

譬如說 Quo Vadis Canis? : The Future of Dogs and Mankind -- Paperback by Fleig,

Quo Vadis, Google?
Earthtimes.org - USA
The past week has seen Google foray into as yet uncharted waters. With the announcement of a personalized home page, Google has ...

波蘭 導演


  • 2007年12月29日 15:28 発信地:ワルシャワ/ポーランド

1998年3月23日、パリのソルボンヌ大学(Sorbonne University)のRene Blanchet氏から名誉学位(Doctor Honoris Causa)を授与されるイェジー・カヴァレロヴィチ(Jerzy Kawalerowicz)氏(左)。(c)AFP/THOMAS COEX

【12月29日 AFP】ポーランドの首都ワルシャワ(Warsaw)で27日、ポーランド人映画監督のイェジー・カヴァレロヴィチ(Jerzy Kawalerowicz)氏が85歳で死去した。

 カヴァレロヴィチ氏は、1965年発表の『太陽の王子ファラオ(The Pharaoh)』でアカデミー賞にノミネートされ、また、1961年発表の『尼僧ヨアンナ(Mother Joanne of the Angels)』では第14回カンヌ国際映画祭(Cannes Film Festival)の審査員特別賞に輝いている。

 19世紀にノーベル賞(Nobel Prize)を受賞したポーランドの小説家、ヘンリク・シェンキェヴィチ(Henryk Sienkiewicz)の作品を映画化した2001年の『クオ・ヴァディス(Quo Vadis)』がカヴァレロヴィチ氏の最後の作品となった。

 また、カヴァレロヴィチ氏は、1978年に第28回ベルリン国際映画祭(Berlin International Film FestivalBerlinale)で銀熊賞芸術貢献賞を受賞している。(c)AFP

2007年12月26日 星期三

Eight Days A Week

today's papers
Eight Days A Week

這Eight Days A Week 意思是很拼命工作 每周工作八天
Wikipedia article "Eight Days a Week"

"Eight Days a Week" is a song written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, which was recorded by The Beatles and released on their December 1964 album Beatles for Sale.

According to Paul McCartney the title was inspired by a remark from a chauffeur who drove him to Lennon's house in Weybridge. [1]

I usually drove myself there, but the chauffeur drove me out that day and I said, 'How've you been?' – 'Oh working hard,' he said, working eight days a week.'

in line, stand in line, speaking line, clothesline, the reception line

"We didn't just want to stand in a flat line and let them come at us".

She figures that being a research subject may have advantages, too.
“We’re the first ones in line,” she said. “If I am genetically predisposed, and they have a preventive medication, they’ll tell me right away.”

"In the past decades, he has taken Bip to from Mexico to China to Australia. He's also made film appearances. The most famous was Mel Brooks' ''Silent Movie'': He had the only speaking line, ''Non!'' "
--Marcel Marceau, Mime, Dies at 84

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Hanging Out to Dry
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If you live in one of the communities that currently bans outdoor clotheslines, you may find that the winds may be changing. According to the Boston Globe, 91 percent of detached single-family homes in the US have a clothes dryer, and a single electric dryer can blow 1,500 pounds of carbon monoxide into the air each year. Now, there is a growing "right-to-dry" movement; some states are working on legislation to overturn bans on clotheslines. And a new industry has sprung up: clotheslines are being manufactured to meet the growing demand.

line (ROW)
noun [C]
1 a group of people or things arranged in a row:
a line of trees
The prisoners formed a line against the wall.

2 US (UK queue "排隊"一詞 A. D. 840已有紀錄) a group of people standing one behind the other who are waiting for something:
Just get in line and wait your turn like everyone else.
I had to wait/stand in line for three hours to get tickets.

3 a long line of a series of people or things that follow each other in time:
She is the latest in a long line of controversial leaders.
He comes from a long line of doctors (= A lot of his relatives were doctors before him).

9月24日 讀 William Bateson/ Gregory Bateson/Mary Catherine Bateson 三代的作品
其中有 the reception line - Margaret has a broken angle

The adjective in line has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: awaiting something; especially something due
Meaning #2: being next in a line of succession

The adverb in line has one meaning:
Meaning #1: one behind another in a line or queue


in line

1. Also, in line with. In conformity or agreement; within ordinary or proper limits. For example, The new policy was intended to keep prices in line with their competitors, or It's up to the supervisor to keep the nurses in line. Also see fall in line.

2. Also, on line. Waiting behind others in a row or queue. For example, The children stood in line for their lunches, or There were at least 50 persons on line for opera tickets.

3. in line for. Next in order for, as in He is next in line for the presidency. All of these terms employ line in the sense of "an orderly row or series of persons or objects," a usage dating from the 1500s.Idioms. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

stand in line  American English to wait in a line of people until it is your turn to do something

2007年12月25日 星期二

encore, Fellow

Fellow 知多少

"台大刊物誇說他們有20幾位IEEE Fellow

noun [C]
an extra song or piece of music that is performed at the end of a show because the audience shout for it:
We were shouting for an encore.
They did a few old hits as/for an encore.

shouted at the end of a performance to get the performer to sing or play more「安可」經常得以看到、聽到的是在音樂演奏會或演唱會時,聽眾覺得欲罷不能、想再聽,而拍手大聲喚「安可!安可!」要求表演者再奏或再唱的情景。

有趣的是這原是來自法文:[French, still, yet, again, probably from Vulgar Latin *hinc ad hōram, from that to this hour : Latin hinc, from here (from hic, this) + Latin ad, to; see ad– + Latin hōram, accusative of hōra, hour; see hour.]
不過據說法國人不用這字眼 (我忘掉確切的法文).....

2007年12月24日 星期一


felicitations PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
an expression used to wish someone happiness, or to praise or show approval:
May I offer my felicitations on your engagement.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

mutual felicitations.

TEHRAN (IRNA) -- President Mahmud Ahmadinejad on Sunday expressed felicitations to Japanese Emperor Akihito on the country's National Day. ...

Bill Scherkenbach

2006 年竟然與Bill 在台灣吃過三頓飯。談了許多事。我的一大貢獻就是激動他重寫 {戴明修煉 II} { 戴明修煉 I}….

Bill to Hanching:
Thank you for your felicitations on the New Year. I am working on updating my books for publication in Chinese/English.


━━ vt. 祝う ((on, upon)).
fe・lic・i・ta・tion ━━ n. (普通pl.) 祝賀; 祝辞.