2011年6月11日 星期六

do in, A-turned-B, swindle ring

He swindled investors out of millions of dollars.

Nearly 600 Arrested in Asian Swindling Ring

The woman who accused Mr. Hurd of sexual harassment, former actress-turned-consultant Jodie Fisher, came forward on Sunday and said the two hadn't had a sexual relationship. (They have settled.) But Mr. Hurd was found to have altered expense reports, the act that did him in.

do in
1. Tire out, exhaust, as in Running errands all day did me in. [Colloquial; early 1900s] Also see done in.
2. Kill, as in Mystery writers are always thinking of new ways to do their characters in. [Slang; early 1900s] Also see def. 4.
3. Ruin utterly; also cheat or swindle. For example, The five-alarm fire did in the whole block, or His so-called friend really did him in. [First half of 1900s]
4. do oneself in. Commit suicide, as in She was always threatening to do herself in. [Slang; first half of 1900s]


(swĭn'dl) pronunciation

v., -dled, -dling, -dles. v.tr.
  1. To cheat or defraud of money or property.
  2. To obtain by fraudulent means: swindled money from the company.
To practice fraud as a means of obtaining money or property.

The act or an instance of swindling.

[Back-formation from swindler, one who swindles, from German Schwindler, giddy person, cheat, from schwindeln, to be dizzy, swindle, from Middle High German, from Old High German swintilōn, frequentative of swintan, to disappear.]

swindler swin'dler n.
