2008年2月16日 星期六

voluptuousness, foul (UNPLEASANT)

Fox is a native of Los Angeles, so its no surprise his specialty is finding and shooting the most compelling beauties in the adult film industry.
Says Fox, "A beautiful foot is an extra, the same as shapely breasts or a nice ass, and all part of a feminine shape. It's all about voluptuousness."

1 extremely unpleasant:
Those toilets smell foul!
I've had a foul day at work.
Why are you in such a foul mood this morning?
What foul weather!

2 describes speech or other language that is offensive, rude or shocking:
There's too much foul language on TV these days.


━━ a. 肉欲にふける; 〔良い意味で〕 肉感的な, セクシーな; 官能的な; (感覚的に)快い.
vo・lup・tu・ous・ly ━━ ad.
vo・lup・tu・ous・ness ━━ n.
