2023年7月17日 星期一

Wear G-Strings

: an article of clothing that consists of a thin strip of cloth covering the genitals with the back portion made up of a string-like piece of fabric that passes between the buttocks and connects with a very thin waistband.

ps://www.theguardian.com › notesandqueries › query

G is the note you get when you play it. ... Not being a musician this is a guess. The smallest string on a, guitar is the G string, G strings are very small, etc.

2023年7月13日 星期四

draws flak over, draw in, dissension, iron out, time-pressed,

Russian General Denounces His Bosses as Officers Are Fired or Questioned

The Wagner group mutiny three weeks ago has exposed dissension and fueled a shake-up in Russia’s military, as it tries to fend off a Ukrainian advance.

 After Groupon, Critics Wary of JOBS Act
A little-noticed JOBS Act provision that would allow firms to privately iron out issues with regulators prior to an IPO is drawing flak after Groupon's problems.

Surprisingly there has been little dissension among philatelists, considering the implications for the purity of regulations that have determined subject matter for stamps since the 1800's, including one that requires a person be dead for at least 10 years before being immortalized. The American Philatelic Society, which promotes stamp collecting, has endorsed the technology and is developing its own series of important moments in postal history to sell as stamps on Zazzle.com. A possible reason for the benign reception is that, as Mr. McKiernan explained, custom postage is technically metered mail that includes a digital image. "It's not really a stamp," he said.

CIO Journal aims to be the single destination for time-pressed, business-minded corporate technology professionals to find the news and analysis they need.

Taiwan Hopes to Draw in More Foreign Students
New York Times
By THE INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE Trying to attract foreign students and academics, the Taiwan Parliament last week approved spending 5.68 billion Taiwan dollars, or about $197 million, over four years for a program to make its higher education ...


French foreign minister draws flak over Tunisian crisis

France's foreign minister is coming under fire for her initial gestures of
support for Tunisia's ex-president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. At the height
of the protests last week, Michele Alliot-Marie offered the expertise of
the French forces to the regime to help calm things down.


(dĭ-sĕn'shən) pronunciation
Difference of opinion; disagreement. See synonyms at discord.

[Middle English dissencioun, from Old French dissension, from Latin dissēnsiō, dissēnsiōn-, from dissēnsus, past participle of dissentīre, to dissent. See dissent.]

also flack (flăk) pronunciation
    1. Antiaircraft artillery.
    2. The bursting shells fired from such artillery.
  1. Informal.
    1. Excessive or abusive criticism.
    2. Dissension; opposition.
[German, from Fl(ieger)a(bwehr)k(anone), aircraft-defense gun.]

1 対空砲火.
2 ((略式))うるさい非難[反対];激論
get [take, catch] a lot of flak

roll up, jury president, wall-to-wall, saturaion coverage, no stranger to the red carpet


Does CNN’s Turmoil Mean There’s No Room on Cable for Independent News?

Leaders at CNN are trying to change the channel from wall-to-wall chaos and move on from Chris Licht’s stormy tenure.

Jeremy Irons is no stranger to the red carpet in Berlin. This year he has been chosen as jury president for the 70th Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival

2009年3月10日 星期二

syzygy, prosody, carpet, the red carpet, edition, Lone Star State



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Texas Bluebonnets
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"There's a yellow rose in Texas, I'm going there to see..." With a song as famous as that, how could we NOT think that the state flower of Texas is the yellow rose? And yet... on this date in 1901, the Bluebonnet was adopted as the state flower of Texas. The bluebonnet is one of the state's most popular wildflowers, carpeting huge areas of Texas when it blooms in the spring. Here are some other tidbits about the Lone Star State: the state bird is the mockingbird; the state motto is "Friendship"; and the name Texas is based on a word used by Native Americans of the Caddo tribe, meaning "friends."

Wim Wenders Goes for More Gold at Cannes Film Festival

The red carpets were rolled out on Wednesday May 14, as the 61st edition of
France's premier film event opened. Films from all over the world are being

screened, including one from the heavyweight German director.

The DW-WORLD Article

phrase of wall
  1. (of a carpet) fitted to cover an entire floor.
    "he padded across the wall-to-wall carpeting"
      very numerous or extensive.
      "wall-to-wall media coverage"

the red carpet noun [S]
a long, red, floor covering that is put down for an important guest to walk on when they visit somewhere and receive a special official welcome, or a special welcome of this type:
We'll roll out the red carpet for the senator.
The minister was given the red carpet treatment.edition
noun [C]
1 a particular form in which a book, magazine or newspaper is published:
the paperback/hardback edition of the dictionary
The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.

2 a single broadcast of a series of radio or television programmes:
This morning's edition of 'Women's Hour' is at the earlier time of a quarter to ten.

3 the total number of copies of a particular book, newspaper, etc. that are published at the same time:
She collects first editions of nineteenth century authors.

4 US one of a series of repeated events:
The 77th edition of the Indianapolis 500 was held before an estimated 450 000 fans.

Lone Star State 德州

carpet (COVERING)
1 [C or U] (a shaped piece of) thick woven material used for covering floors:
We've just had a new carpet fitted/laid in our bedroom.

UK We've got fitted (= cut to fit exactly) carpets in the bedrooms.

2 [S] a layer of something that covers the ground:
a carpet of snow
Our lawn is a carpet of daisies.

verb [T]
to cover something with carpet:
We need to carpet the stairs.

covered with carpet

noun [U]
material for making carpets

On the Prosody in Poetry Translation: an Exemplification

W B Yeats 分享了 SAMUEL BECKETT 的貼文



n.pl. -dies.
  1. The study of the metrical structure of verse.
  2. A particular system of versification.
[Middle English prosodie, from Latin prosōdia, accent, from Greek prosōidiā, song sung to music, accent : pros-, pros- + ōidē, song; see ode.]

prosody [pros‐ŏdi], the systematic study of versification, covering the principles of metrerhythmrhyme, and stanza forms; or a particular system of versification. In linguistics, the term is applied to patterns of stress and intonation in ordinary speech. Prosody in the literary sense is also known as metrics.

━━ n. 韻律学, 作詩法.
 ━━ a. 作詩法の, 韻律(学)の.


n.pl. -gies.
  1. Astronomy.
    1. Either of two points in the orbit of a celestial body where the body is in opposition to or in conjunction with the sun.
    2. Either of two points in the orbit of the moon when the moon lies in a straight line with the sun and Earth.
    3. The configuration of the sun, the moon, and Earth lying in a straight line.
  2. The combining of two feet into a single metrical unit in classical prosody.
[Late Latin s[ymacr]zygia, from Greek suzugiā, union, from suzugos, paired : sun-, su-, syn- + zugon, yoke.]
syzygial sy·zyg'i·al (sĭ-zĭj'ē-əladj.
━━ n. 【天文】朔望; 【生物】連接 ((胞子虫の2個体が接着する現象)).

  • 1. 朔望{さくぼう}◆地球、太陽、月の三つが一線上に並んだ配置のこと
  • 2. 《生物》連接{れんせつ}
  • 3. 《古典韻律》複詞脚

2013年9月7日 星期六

roll up,to carpet, red carpet, carpetbagger, subdued

Energy policy is best addressed across Europe as a whole. If the grids were linked up properly, in a large integrated energy market, then the peaks and troughs would be likely to even out. Rather than carpet grey Germany in solar panels, better to install them in sun-kissed Greece. But full integration is far off http://econ.st/15C5GGx
Pat McGowan, director of engineering at Canonical, demonstrated Ubuntu for phones at an event on MIT’s campus last week. While BlackBerry carpeted several basketball courts for an extravagant Manhattan launch of its new BB10 software the same week (see “BlackBerry’s New Phones Score Points”), Ubuntu’s public debut was more subdued.

1872 cartoon depiction of Carl Schurz as a Carpetbagger

U.S. Rolls Up Red Carpet for Karzai’s Political Rival

Abdullah Abdullah is getting none of the V.I.P. treatment accorded to his rival, the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, during a visit to a Washington wary of antagonizing Mr. Karzai.

roll up
1. Accumulate, as in He rolled up a fortune in commodity trading, or She rolled up a huge number of votes in this district[Mid-1800s]
2. Arrive in a vehicle, as in They rolled up in a taxi at exactly eight o'clock.

1. The move from one option position to another with a higher exercise price.

2. In the context of venture capital, when a VC forces small companies to merge in order to reduce costs.


In United States history, carpetbagger was a pejorative term Southerners gave to Northerners (also referred to as Yankees) who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era, between 1865 and 1877.
The term referred to the observation that these newcomers tended to carry "carpet bags," a common form of luggage at the time (sturdy and made from used carpet). It was used as a derogatory term, suggesting opportunism and exploitation by the outsiders. Together with Republicans they are said to have politically manipulated and controlled former Confederate states for varying periods for their own financial and power gains. In sum, carpetbaggers were seen as insidious Northern outsiders with questionable objectives meddling in local politics, buying up plantations at fire-sale prices and taking advantage of Southerners. Carpetbagger is not to be confused with copperhead, which is a term given to a person from the North who sympathized with the Southern claim of right to Secession.
The term carpetbaggers was also used to describe the Republican political appointees who came South, arriving with their travel carpet bags. Southerners considered them ready to loot and plunder the defeated South.[1]
In modern usage in the U.S., the term is sometimes used derisively to refer to a politician who runs for public office in an area where he or she does not have deep community ties, or has lived only for a short time. In the United Kingdom, the term was adopted to refer informally to those who join a mutual organization, such as a building society, in order to force it to demutualize, that is, to convert into a joint stock company, solely for personal financial gain.



  • a floor or stair covering made from thick woven fabric, typically shaped to fit a particular room:the house has wall-to-wall carpets throughout the floor was covered with carpet
  • a large rug, typically an oriental one:priceless Persian carpets
  • a thick or soft expanse or layer of something:carpets of snowdrops and crocuses
  • informal, chiefly US a carpetlike artificial playing surface on a tennis court or an athletic field.

verb (carpetscarpetingcarpeted)

[with object]
  • 1cover (a floor or stairs) with a carpet:the stairs were carpeted in a lovely shade of red
  • cover with a thick or soft expanse or layer of something:the meadows are carpeted with flowers
2British informal reprimand severely.
car • pet
carpets (複数形) • carpeted (過去形) • carpeted (過去分詞) • carpeting (現在分詞) • carpets (三人称単数現在)
on the carpet, pull the carpet from under a person's feet, sweep ... under the carpet, (全4件)
1 [U][C]じゅうたん(地), カーペット, もうせん. ⇒RUG
Persian carpet
lay [put down] a carpet
2 ((文))(草花などの)一面の広がり((of ...))
a carpet of moss
on the carpet
(1) ((英))〈事・議題が〉考慮中で, 審議中で.
(2) ((略式))(叱責(しっせき)のために)呼びつけられて;油をしぼられて
be called [put] on the carpet
pull the carpet from under a person's feet
sweep [push] ... under the carpet
((略式))=sweep ... under the RUG.
walk the carpet
1 ((通例受身))…をじゅうたんでおおう, にじゅうたんを敷く;…を(…で)一面におおう((with ...))
a carpeted corridor
The field was quickly carpeted with weeds.
2 ((主に受身))((主に英略式))…を(呼びつけて)しかる.
[後ラテン語carpeta(carpereわかつ+-ta過去分詞語尾=わかれたもの→すいて, けばだてされた羊毛)]

Pulling an All-Nighter, One-nighter

We pull all-nighter all the time.

Here's why you can't stop eating after pulling an all-nighter.
Oh, the munchies...

Pulling an All-Nighter for the College Application

WikiAnswers - What does a turkey on broadway mean
Often a "
One-nighter" Basically a show that does not stay on Broadway for very long. What does a ''turkey'' on Broadway mean? A flop. A show that's not on ...

They find themselves attracted to each other but manage to avoid becoming involved romantically except for a one-nighter out of town, which the aloof Jason ...

or all-night·er (ôl'nī'tər)n. Informal
A project or event lasting all through the night, especially an intense bout of study or work: 
pulled an all nighter to finish the assignment on time.