2023年7月8日 星期六

search, limber up, sherpa, *not a soul, limber up, Warm-Ups, cognitive arousalo9

Billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have agreed to a cage fight. Regardless of whether it actually happens, the new-media moguls are limbering up for a more consequential fight. Read more: https://econ.trib.al/QdcREkX

Illustration: Saffron Swire
 Henry Gould 的相片
Henry Gould
10月7日 0:34
Old Mandelstam translation (one of his Voronezh "Octets")

Exercise: Warm-Ups Help Surgeons Keep Limber
A new study shows that when surgeons do a series of warm up exercises before an operation, they perform better.

The researchers were looking for something more than just flexibility. Warming up, they said, appears not only to make surgeons more limber but also to provide “cognitive arousal.”
The study found that the exercises were useful for surgeons starting a new day and for those fatigued from being on call. They also found that the improvement seemed to carry over to surgical tasks different from those used in the warm-up.

At Toyota’s training center inside its Motomachi assembly complex here, workers use golf balls to limber up their fingers before they learn new tasks on the factory floor.

Ayumi Nakanishi for The New York Times
A manager, top, using golf balls to limber up his fingers at a plant in Toyota City, Japan.

(of a person) able to bend and move easily and gracefully

limber up phrasal verb
to do gentle exercises to stretch the muscles in order to prepare the body for more active physical exercise:
The substitutes are beginning to limber up on the sidelines.

warm up (EXERCISE) phrasal verb
to prepare yourself for a physical activity by doing some gentle exercises and stretches:
If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself.

noun [C]
A warm-up is important before a run so as not to strain any muscles.
Let's do a few warm-up exercises.

soul (PERSON) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a person of a stated type:
She's a happy little soul.
Some poor soul had fallen 500 metres to their death.

2 not a soul no one:
By the time I arrived there wasn't a soul there.soul (BLACK CULTURE) Show phonetics
noun [U] US
a deep understanding of and pride in the culture of black people

soul Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] US
soul food

soulful Show phonetics
adjective US

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

"Forty years ago when I was out cowboying I never saw a soul. Now it’s at a point where you realize the public land is not yours, you’re just one of the users. And whether it’s A.T.V.’s, horses or climbers, it’s a traffic jam."
HEIDI REDD, who operates the Dugout Ranch near Durango, Colo.

".....史邁理最近才出個不大不小的糗。他請來美國民主黨總統候選人奧巴馬上節目。奧巴馬是黑人,雖然一度被看好,可惜後勁不繼,遠遠落在民主黨總統候選人第一名 希拉蕊柯林頓之後。史邁理當然是幫奧巴馬的,講到希拉蕊時竟然說:「希拉蕊沒有靈魂!」幸虧奧巴馬沒有接腔。史邁理這話一語雙關。美國黑人常互稱為靈魂兄 弟(soul brother),這就像基督徒常互稱為主內兄弟一樣。黑人喜歡吃的食物則稱為靈糧(soul food)。所以史邁理說希拉蕊沒有靈魂,一方面指她不是自己人,另一方面也是暗罵希拉蕊出賣自己的靈魂。因為大家都知道希拉蕊從前極力主張全民健保,現 在為了競選,得到保險公司巨款捐助,全民健保就不大提了。 ......"張系國

sherpaMeaning #1: a member of the Himalayan people living in Nepal and Tibet who are famous for their skill as mountaineers


相似詞 查抄、搜檢
解釋 搜索檢查。如:警方正在附近搜查可疑人物。清˙黃鈞宰˙金壺浪墨˙卷二˙附羊城日報七則˙廣勇:方林公搜查鴉片,有犯必懲。
そうさ 捜査
・~本部 the investigation headquarters.
・~網 a dragnet.
そうさく 捜索
a search; an investigation.
・~する look [hunt, search] for; rummage.
・~願を出す apply to the police for a search.
捜索隊 a search(ing) party.
捜索令状 a search warrant.

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━━ v. 捜す; 捜し求める ((after, for)); (身体)検査する ((for)); (心などを)さぐる; じろじろ見る ((for)); 【コンピュータ】探索する ((for)); (寒さなどが)しみ込む.
search one's heart [conscience] 深く反省する.
Search me! 〔話〕 わからない.
Search me! INFORMAL
something that you say when you do not know the answer to a question:
"Where's Jack?" "Search me!"

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

search out 探し出す.
━━ n. 捜索; 検査 ((for, after)); 【コンピュータ】探索.
in search of …を捜して.
make a search for …を捜す.
search and destroy ━━ n., a. 【米軍】索敵せん滅(作戦)(の).
search and replace 【コンピュータ】探索後置換.
search engine 【コンピュータ】検索エンジン.
a computer program which finds information on the Internet by looking for words which you have typed in.
search・er ━━ n. 捜索者, (税関などの)検査官; 【コンピュータ】サーチャー.
search・ing ━━ n., a. 捜索; きびしい; 鋭い.
search・ing・ly ad. きびしく, 鋭く.
search key 【コンピュータ】探索キー.
search・light 探照灯; 懐中電灯.
search memory 【コンピュータ】連想記憶装置.
search party 捜索隊.
a group of people who look for someone who is lost:
A search party was sent out to look for the missing climbers.
search path 【コンピュータ】検索(ディレクトリ)パス.
search string 【コンピュータ】検索文字列.
search tree 【コンピュータ】探索木.
search warrant (家宅)捜索令状.

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global search noun [C]
If you do a global search on a computer, you look for every example of a word or phrase in a document:

Do a global search for 'organise' and replace it with 'organize'.
