- Rainforest Medicinal Treasures Stymie U.N. Biodiversity Talks
Developing nations want to make sure pharmaceutical firms aren't going to rampage through their wildlands, making a fortune off of rainforest biotechnology.
Read original story in Reuters | Friday, Oct. 29, 2010
Wired News
The next time you run into an IBM employee, ask them, “What can you do for me?” Their typical response: some flavor of, “Whatever you want.” This often brings some confusion in the small- and medium-size (SMB) market and the channel, but the truth is ...
- Of, relating to, or having the properties of medicine.
- Having an unappealing, bitter flavor.
A preparation or product having the properties of a medicine.
medicinally me·dic'i·nal·ly adv.
im·part (ĭm-pärt')
tr.v., -part·ed, -part·ing, -parts.
- To grant a share of; bestow: impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice.
- To make known; disclose: persuaded to impart the secret.
- To pass on; transmit: imparts forward motion.
[Middle English imparten, from Old French impartir, from Latin impertīre, impartīre : in-, in; see in-2 + partīre, to share (from pars, part-, part).]
- [fléivər]
1 (独特の)味, 風味, 香味. ⇒TASTE[類語]
4 [U]((古))芳香.
5 《物理学》フレイバー:クオークまたはレプトンを識別する内部量子数.
flavor of the month [the week]
((米略式))今はやりのもの[こと];時の人;一時的なもの, 一過性のもの.▼アイスクリーム店の掲示「今月[今週]のおすすめ品」から.
━━[動](他)〈飲食物に〉(…で)味をつける((with ...));〈生活・話などに〉趣を添える.
[中フランス語←後ラテン語flātor(悪臭). -v-がはいったのはsavour(風味)の類推による]