2022年11月12日 星期六

in snatches, be/get hip to something


“That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to unhappiness,” he said. “You don’t have to be afraid even though you will forever miss this person, you will forever ache for them. The grief will weave into your life and will be a part of your tapestry. It’ll leave and it’ll come back, but the sooner we get hip to that the sooner we’ll be able to be happy, in snatches, here and there. And that’s OK. That’s life.”
in snatches meaning, definition, what is in snatches: for short periods: Learn more.

be/get hip to something - Longman Dictionary
https://www.ldoceonline.com › dictionary

be/get hip to something meaning, definition, what is be/get hip to something: to learn about a new product, idea etc: Learn mor
