2022年11月11日 星期五

tiding, double or quits, vein (MOOD) , When It Comes to Bearing Bad Tidings,

Perhaps because of the speedy denouement this time around, so far there is no sign of the sorts of reckless cover-ups that ultimately brought previous rogue traders low: no fraudulent financial records or desperate double-or-quits on bad bets in the hope of recouping mounting losses. 幾年前的筆記 楊憲益先生翻譯蕭伯納(George Bernard Shaw)著的 Caesar and Cleopatra【網路上有主文】 採中英對照,「另一序幕」(AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE PROLOGUE)【網路上主文稱為Act I】對話開始,許多字看似簡單,然而還是得多查辭典(用【】表示)。 Belzanor. By Apis, Persian, thy gods are good to thee. the Persian. Try yet again, O captain. Double or quits! 隊長,再來一次。要麼輸雙份,要麼兩不欠。 double or quits 美國 double or nothing いちかばちかの勝負. high stake games 最後豪賭 要嗎欠債加倍 要嗎一筆勾消 Belzanor. No more. I am not in the vein. 不來了。我手氣不好。 the Sentinel (poising his javelin(標槍)as he peers over the wall). Stand. Who goes there? They all start, listening. A strange voice replies from without. Voice. The bearer of evil tidings. Belzanor (calling to the sentry). Pass him. 【vein (MOOD) noun [S or U] v. tr. - 使成脈絡, 像脈絡般分佈於。日本語 (Japanese) n. - 静脈, 血管, 気質, 葉脈, 翅脈, 気分, 鉱脈。a style or a temporary mood: 兩例 The opening scene is very violent, and the rest of the film continues in (a) similar vein. After laughing over the photo, they began to talk in (a) more serious vein about the damaging effect it could have on his career.】 【start之中文「v. intr. - 出發, 起程, 發生, 開始, 著手, 啟動v. tr. - 使開始, 開始, 發起, 引起, 創辦n. - 出發, 出發時間, 出發點, 起始, 最初」,似乎都未將A sudden and involuntary movement: bolt, jump, startle. See move/halt.和A startled reaction or movement.翻譯。】

 【tiding n. - 一條新聞, 消息, 音信; (Japanese) n. - 便り】
