“The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of.”
-Leonardo da Vinci
The worst of the coronavirus crisis has brought out the best in humanity.
Five glimmers of hope to beat the coronavirus blues
Take a glimpse inside the magical Harbin Ice and Snow Festival. ❄️
With its fledgling infrastructure and rural landscape, Laos is one Southeast Asian nation that's stayed off the radar of most globe-trotting tourists, offering an untouched glimpse of traditional life. Left, a farmer leads water buffalo out of the Mekong River.
Pro-Romney Super PAC Outraised Its Candidate's Campaign New FEC disclosures offer a glimpse into the independent groups backing White House hopefuls.
Amazonでラフカディオ ハーン (小泉八雲), Lafcadio HearnのGlimpses of Unfamiliar Japan―知られぬ日本の面影 (英文版)。アマゾンならポイント還元本が多数。ラフカディオ ハーン (小泉八雲), Lafcadio Hearn作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも ...

One of the ladies, looking under a chair, saw, nailed to
the bottom of it, a queen of hearts. What did the
awful portent mean? Another, leaving the Queen s
room for a little rest, went down a gallery, and caught
a glimpse of a shadowy form, sweeping away from her
in the familiar panoply of Majesty. Distracted by
fear, she retraced her steps, and, hurrying back into
the royal chamber, looked and beheld the Queen
lying silent on the pillows, with her finger in her
mouth, as she had left her.
Investors found financial news not as bad as feared, galvanizing worldwide stock exchanges, but few experts are willing to call an end to the bear market.
By Todd Bishop Almost lost amid the recent news of Microsoft’s unprecedented layoffs was a glimmer of hope for technology job seekers: The company is still ...
Obama Taps Biden for VP
Obama picked Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware as his running mate, according to a Democratic party source, putting to rest months of conjecture about whom he would select to help balance his own resume. 1:24 a.m.
Bad Samaritan 書名 翻譯本 國家的偽善
《慾望街車》裡的名句 the kindness of strangers「陌生人的善心」。
The Kindness of Strangers
請教 su高手: "the kindness of the strangers" 似乎是熟語(可google 出一堆,不知真的典出何處),類似「出外靠朋友」(新朋友,不認識的朋友)啦,不過從英文再翻譯,好像有「陌生化」的魅力?
A compassionate person who unselfishly helps others, as in In this neighborhood you can't count on a good Samaritan if you get in trouble. This expression alludes to Jesus's parable about a Samaritan who rescues and cares for a stranger who had been robbed and badly hurt and had been ignored by a priest and a Levite (Luke 10:30-35). The Samaritans were considered a heretical group by other Jews, so by using a Samaritan for the parable, Jesus chose a person whom his listeners would find least likely to be worthy of concern. [c. 1600]
verb [I]to shine with a weak light or a light that is not continuous:
The lights of the village were glimmering in the distance.
The sky glimmered with stars.
a glimmering candle
FIGURATIVE The first faint signs of an agreement began to glimmer through (= appear).
noun [C] (ALSO glimmering)
1 a light that glimmers weakly:
We saw a glimmer of light in the distance.
2 a slight sign of something good or positive:
This month's sales figures offer a glimmer of hope for the depressed economy.
She's never shown a glimmer of interest in classical music.
The first glimmer of light (= sign of development or understanding) has appeared in the peace talks.
look (HOPE)
be looking to do sth to plan to do something:
I'm looking to start my own business.
廣達(公司)Quanta Looks to Expand
Quanta Computer is considering building a plant to assemble notebook computers in Vietnam or another emerging market.
noun [C or U]something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future:
What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
Is there any hope of getting financial support for the project?
[+ that] Is there any hope that they will be home in time?
Young people are growing up in our cities without any hope of finding a job.
His reply dashed (= destroyed) our hopes.
They have pinned (all) their hopes on (= They are depending for success on) their new player.
She's very ill, but there's still hope/we live in hope (= we think she might be cured).
The situation is now beyond/past hope (= unlikely to produce the desired result).
We never gave up hope (= stopped hoping) that she would be found alive.
The letter offered us a glimmer/ray of (= a little) hope.
I didn't phone till four o'clock in the hope that you'd be finished.
I don't hold out much hope of getting (= I don't expect to be able to get) a ticket.
verb [I or T]
to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might:
I'm hoping for an interview next week.
[+ (that)] She's hoping (that) she won't be away too long.
I hope (that) she'll win.
We have to hope and pray (that) the operation will go well.
[+ to infinitive] They hope to visit us next year.
It's good news, I hope.
"Will you be at the meeting tomorrow?" "I hope not/so".
Compare wish (HOPE).
1 having hope:
He was hopeful about the outcome of the meeting.
They were hopeful of a successful agreement.
I'm hopeful (that) we can reach a compromise.
2 giving hope:
The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring.
noun [C usually plural]
a person who is trying to get a part in a film, play for a famous football team, etc:
Over a thousand young hopefuls went to the Theatre Royal today to audition for a part in the new musical.
noun [U]
1 used, often at the start of a sentence, to express what you would like to happen:
Hopefully it won't rain.
Hopefully we'll be in Norwich by early evening.
2 in a hopeful way:
"Do you have a cigarette?" he asked hopefully.
1 without hope:
a hopeless situation
They searched for survivors but it was hopeless.
She was depressed and felt totally hopeless about the future.
2 completely without skill at a particular activity:
I'm hopeless at sports.
He's a hopeless cook.
extremely, or in a way that makes you lose hope:
They met at university and fell hopelessly in love.
We were hopelessly lost.
noun [U]
I find the hopelessness of the situation very depressing.