// Aachoo!! 阿婆打個噴嚏,假牙飛脫,口沫橫飛。這是英國著名街頭藝術家 Banksy 早前在布里斯托(Bristol)某房子外牆上創作的新作「Aachoo!!」。新作吸引大批民眾慕名而來一睹大師真跡,該棟房子原本正在出售,後來一度緊急停售 48 小時。外界猜測賣家是要抬高價格… //

Banksy 新作現英國房子外牆 屋主緊急停售再開賣 不為抬價為甚麼? | This is 呃 | 立場新聞
Aachoo!! 阿婆打個噴嚏,假牙飛脫,口沫橫飛
BRISTOL, England — British street artist Banksy has weighed in again on the coronavirus pandemic, confirming that he created new artwork depicting an elderly woman violently sneezing as her dentures fly out of her mouth.
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The mural, called “Aachoo!” by the elusive artist, appeared on the side of a house in Totterdown, a suburb of Bristol in the United Kingdom, CNN reported.
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Banksy revealed he was the artist through his official website and Instagram account on Thursday.
The stencil mural had been covered up before its unveiling on Thursday morning, according to The Guardian. The artwork was on Vale Street, one of Britain’s steepest residential roads, with a slope of almost 22 degrees, CNN reported. The street is used during annual Easter Sunday egg-rolling competitions, The Guardian reported.
The artwork depicts a woman wearing a headscarf, the newspaper reported. She is holding a handkerchief but drops her walking stick and purse while she sneezes. The force of the sneeze also sends her dentures flying, The Guardian reported.
“Aachoo!!” is the latest art by Banksy to depict the pandemic. For Valentine’s Day, he drew stencil art of a girl firing red flowers made with spray-painted ivy from a catapult.
In April, he posted a set of images to Instagram showing illustrated rats scattered around his bathroom, the BBC reported. Banksy added a wry comment in a nod to staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic, adding the caption, “My wife hates it when I work from home.”
The next month, he honored health care workers with an image titled “Game Changer,” which featured a child playing with a nurse doll wearing a mask and cape.
In July, Banksy created a mural on a London Underground train to warn residents about the dangers of not wearing a face-covering, but it was removed days later.
Banksy, noted for his political commentary, has weighed in on several issues, including the Black Lives Matter movement. His most notable work, “Girl With Balloon,” was sold at a Sotheby’s auction in October 2018 in London for more than $1 million, the BBC reported.
As soon as the winning telephone bid had been verified, Banksy’s work suddenly passed through a shredder that was installed in the frame.
Posting a picture of the moment on Instagram, Banksy wrote: “Going, going, gone ...”
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The mural, called “Aachoo!” by the elusive artist, appeared on the side of a house in Totterdown, a suburb of Bristol in the United Kingdom, CNN reported.
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Banksy revealed he was the artist through his official website and Instagram account on Thursday.
The stencil mural had been covered up before its unveiling on Thursday morning, according to The Guardian. The artwork was on Vale Street, one of Britain’s steepest residential roads, with a slope of almost 22 degrees, CNN reported. The street is used during annual Easter Sunday egg-rolling competitions, The Guardian reported.
The artwork depicts a woman wearing a headscarf, the newspaper reported. She is holding a handkerchief but drops her walking stick and purse while she sneezes. The force of the sneeze also sends her dentures flying, The Guardian reported.
“Aachoo!!” is the latest art by Banksy to depict the pandemic. For Valentine’s Day, he drew stencil art of a girl firing red flowers made with spray-painted ivy from a catapult.
In April, he posted a set of images to Instagram showing illustrated rats scattered around his bathroom, the BBC reported. Banksy added a wry comment in a nod to staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic, adding the caption, “My wife hates it when I work from home.”
The next month, he honored health care workers with an image titled “Game Changer,” which featured a child playing with a nurse doll wearing a mask and cape.
In July, Banksy created a mural on a London Underground train to warn residents about the dangers of not wearing a face-covering, but it was removed days later.
Banksy, noted for his political commentary, has weighed in on several issues, including the Black Lives Matter movement. His most notable work, “Girl With Balloon,” was sold at a Sotheby’s auction in October 2018 in London for more than $1 million, the BBC reported.
As soon as the winning telephone bid had been verified, Banksy’s work suddenly passed through a shredder that was installed in the frame.
Posting a picture of the moment on Instagram, Banksy wrote: “Going, going, gone ...”