2020年12月31日 星期四

bowl over, exigency, hollow, juncture, agonies

''When I first saw the work of Johns and Stella, I was bowled over,'' Mr. Castelli told an interviewer in 1984. ''I just felt sheer, pure enthusiasm. And then you get feedback from a mysterious consensus out there that you are right. Then, of course, you intensify your push and drive. Anyone can discover an artist, but to make him what he is, give him importance, that's really discovery.''

“The world is at a critical juncture. We need the energy and idealism of young people to tackle major threats to human wellbeing.” — 
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon ‪#‎unite4heritage‬

For Each Age, Its Agonies

"This is 40" and "Girls" uphold the tradition of deeming your own juncture of life the most significant of all.

 Best Buy Founder Casts Shadow Over CEO Search
Best Buy founder and chairman Richard Schulze has long run the company like a family business. Now, his long shadow could complicate the hunt for a new chief executive at a crucial juncture.

A decisive point: climacteric, crisis, crossroad (used in plural),
exigence, exigency, juncture, pass, turning point, zero hour. See
decide/hesitate. A turning point; a crisis: bring matters to a head. See synonyms at crisis.

bowl over

bowl over. Astonish, surprise greatly, overwhelm, as in I was simply bowled over by their wonderful performance. This term originated in cricket, where it means “to knock all the bails off the wicket.” [


  • 発音記号[dʒʌ'ŋktʃər]
1 [U](重大な)時点, 時期, 転機;[C]重大な情勢[局面]
at this juncture
この重大事に, この際.
2 [U][C]連結, 接合(点, 線);継ぎ目, 連結状態, 連結物;《文法》(音素の)連接.

(ĕk'sə-jən-sē, ĭg-zĭj'ən-) pronunciation
n., pl., -cies.
  1. The state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action.
  2. A pressing or urgent situation. See synonyms at crisis.
  3. Urgent requirements; pressing needs. Often used in the plural.

1 ((通例-cies))緊急事態.
2 [U]急務
economic exigency


1 〈物が〉中空の, 中身が詰まっていない;うつろな(⇔solid).
2 〈物の〉表面がくぼんだ;〈ほお・目が〉くぼんだ, 落ち込んだ
hollow cheeks
3 〈音・声が〉うつろな, 鈍い, こもった
a hollow booming sound
4 〈言い訳・世辞・約束・友情などが〉価値[実質]のない, 内容のない, 無意味な, 不誠実な, うわべだけの
a hollow promise
1 穴, うつろ, くぼみ, へこみ
the hollow of the hand
2 谷間, くぼ地.
in the hollow of one's hand
掌中に, 支配して.
1 〈物に〉くぼみをつける;〈物を〉くり抜く((out)).
2 〈物を〉くり抜いて[掘り抜いて]作る((out))
hollow a bowl out of a piece of wood
His criticisms rang hollow.
beat a person (all) hollow
((略式))〈人を〉徹底的に打ちまかす[やっつける], 完全に凌駕(りょうが)する.

  1. 1〈木・壁・管などが〉空洞の,中空の(⇔solid
  2. 1a〈平面が〉くぼんだ,〈目が〉落ちくぼんだ,〈頬が〉こけた
  3. 2〈音・声などが〉うつろな,こもった
    • sound hollow
    • うつろに響く
  4. 3〈人・気持ちなどが〉虚しい,空虚な
  5. 3a〈物・事が〉実質を伴わない,誠意のない,そらぞらしい
    • have a hollow ring
    • むなしく聞こえる
  1. 1くぼみ,へこみ,穴;くぼ地,小谷 Deer Hollow
  2. 2むなしさ,空虚さ


  1. in the hollow of one's hand
    • 手中に収めて,支配して
  1. 1〈木・岩などを〉くり抜く;〈容器などを〉(…を)くり抜いて作る(out)≪out of≫;くぼむ
  2. 2(…を)空洞化する(out


  1. beat A (all) hollow
    • A(人)を打ち負かす
