Putting on a Mask Raised Naomi Osaka’s Voice
The tennis player used to let words kink up inside her. In 2020, she has found the space to unravel her thoughts and convey an urgent demand for change.
A kink in the railway line from Moscow to St Petersburg, for example, is where—or so it is said—Tsar Nicholas I’s finger got in the way of his ruler when he drew a line between the cities
Would this help you go to the loo?
To all the young men who've sausaged their legs into skinny jeans today, here's a cause for celebration: the era of the tight trouser is coming to an end.
Jeff Koons
Edited by Hans Werner Holzwarth
Hardcover, 25 x 33.4 cm
592 pages, £ 39.99
ISBN 978-3-8365-0328-0
Multilingual Edition: English, French, German
Recession Puts a Kink in Operation
That Uses Locks to Soak Up Oil Spills
The recession is crimping the business of a San Francisco nonprofit that recycles human hair into mats that are used to clean up oil spills.
Koons' entire oeuvre to date, at a decidely unKoonsian price From kinky to kitsch via conceptual, Jeff Koons’ art is anything but conformist. Since he stunned the art world in the 1980s with basketball sculptures and stainless steel blow-ups, Koons has been contemporary art's bad boy—a reputation he (ahem) nailed in the early 90s via works depicting him in flagrante delicto with then-wife Cicciolina, the Italian porn star-cum-politician. He followed these with Puppy, a 40-foot tall floral terrier installed at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Koons’ exploitation of the banal, and aggrandizement of kitsch and pop imagery, has become his trademark. Despite his many critics, the work commands millions at auction and Koons' position at the forefront of contemporary art is indisputable. |

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Hotel Review: Butterfly on Victoria in Hong Kong
This year-old, centrally located hotel has some kinks, but its prices could make a stay worth it.
Helping Glass Slippers and Kinky Boots Shine
"Kinky Boots," which had a run in Chicago before coming to Broadway,
and "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella," with no out-of-town run,
both got major surgery because of surveys of preview audiences.
A lot of time and discussion have been spent deciphering the extraordinary success of “Downton Abbey,” but it’s actually pretty simple. This series about British aristocrats and their servants is “Fifty Shades of Grey”: soft-core pornography, but fixated on breeding and heritage rather than kinky sex. 我們已經花費太多時間、太多口舌,研究《唐頓莊園》(Downton Abbey)為何如此成功,但是實際上原因很簡單。這部關於英國貴族和僕人的系列電視劇,像《格雷的五十道陰影》(Fifty Shades of Grey)一樣,是一部軟色情之作,但是它關注的重點是子嗣和遺產,而不是有點變態的性愛。
法新社 / 德國之聲:雖然美泰向中國道了歉。但責任問題是一個問題,玩具等是否含有有害物質是另一個問題。據德國專業刊物Oekotest(生態試驗)做的一個檢驗 調查,21種室外玩具腫,有10種被打了不及格或者不良的分,其中有9種含有環芳烴,對這種化學物質,並沒有法定的極限值規定。這個刊物的10月號共公佈過去兩年裏對130種特殊產品的檢驗結果。在檢查小孩墊毯方面,發現3種產品含有香胺,但只有一種不可出售,因為它超過了每公斤30毫克的極限值。12種木偶玩具中有4種含有這種顏料,由於這種顏料有致癌可能,該專業刊物建議不要銷售這些產品。
Sausage (Wurst)
German sausages, or wurst, cover a wide range of cooked, uncooked and unfilled styles (no casing), such as frankfurters, bratwurst, rindswurst, blargenwurst, knackwurst, and bockwurst.
From the Fringe | 19.09.2007
Sausage Proves to Be Wurst Place for Sex Toy

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Wurst is a great thing -- but must be used properly
A butcher's shop employee in the city of Mannheim got some bad vibrations when handling a sausage given to her by a customer for safe-keeping. When cut open, the wurst was revealed to contain a sex toy.
The customer had asked the employee to store his sausage, which he intended to take back with him to Dubai, in her refrigerator so it wouldn't go off before he flew out. But the unusual weight of the, um, package aroused her suspicion.
She summoned the local police, who discovered that the sausage contained an unspecified device intended to give pleasure in ways foreign to the nature of a normal food product.
"The attending officers determined that the customer was attempting, in this delicate way, to conceal a sex toy," the police wrote in their report of the incident.
Hiding the sausage is one thing -- hiding a sex gizmo in a sausage is another.
Authorities suspect that the customer was intending to smuggle the device into Dubai, where sex toys are illegal.
The customer never turned up to reclaim the wurst, or its kinky contents, and police have no grounds for pressing charges.
"That sort of thing isn't illegal in our country," said a police spokesperson to the dpa news agency.
She summoned the local police, who discovered that the sausage contained an unspecified device intended to give pleasure in ways foreign to the nature of a normal food product.
"The attending officers determined that the customer was attempting, in this delicate way, to conceal a sex toy," the police wrote in their report of the incident.
Hiding the sausage is one thing -- hiding a sex gizmo in a sausage is another.
Authorities suspect that the customer was intending to smuggle the device into Dubai, where sex toys are illegal.
The customer never turned up to reclaim the wurst, or its kinky contents, and police have no grounds for pressing charges.
"That sort of thing isn't illegal in our country," said a police spokesperson to the dpa news agency.
Google cooks up recipe search feature
San Francisco Chronicle
Monster search engine Google has added a recipe view to its repertoire. The Mountain View company began the new feature Thursday and expects to continue working out the kinks for the next few days. Now, users can narrow down searches for recipes based ...
cook ... up/cook up ...[cook ... up/cook up ...]
(2) ⇒(他)2
noun [C]
1 an unwanted twist or bend in a wire, rope, pipe, etc. that is usually straight:
There must be a kink in the pipe.
See also kink at kinky.
2 US a sore muscle, especially in the neck or back
3 something that is wrong:
Pete still needs to iron out a few kinks in his game.
1 (糸・綱・毛髪などの)もつれ, ねじれ, 縮れ((in ...))
brush out the kinks
2 ひねくれ, へそ曲がり, 風変わりなところ, 異常な点;奇抜なスタイル, おかしな格好.
3 ((主に米))(筋肉の)痛み, こり
get a kink in one's neck
4 ((主に米))(機械・計画などの)欠陥, 不備;(達成する上での)障害(となるもの).
5 うまい考え[方策], 妙案
cost-cutting kinks
iron[work] out the kinks
━━[動](他)(自)〈綱などを〉よじる, もつれさせる, 〈綱などが〉よじれる, もつれる.
[デンマーク語. 原義は「綱のもつれ」]kink
noun [C]
1 an unwanted twist or bend in a wire, rope, pipe, etc. that is usually straight:
There must be a kink in the pipe.
See also kink at kinky.
2 US a sore muscle, especially in the neck or back
3 something that is wrong:
Pete still needs to iron out a few kinks in his game.
Definition of kinky
adjective (kinkier, kinkiest)kinky
- kíŋki
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 ((略式))(性的に)異常な, 変態の;((俗))風変わりな, 心のゆがんだ.
2 よじれの多い;〈髪の毛が〉ひどく縮れた.
Definition: bizarre, pervertedAntonyms: clean, decent, ethical, normal, unperverted, usual
Definition: twisted
Antonyms: straight, unkinked, untwisted
Late Middle English: from Old Northern French saussiche, from medieval Latin salsicia, from Latin salsus 'salted' (see sauce).