2020年8月17日 星期一

climbdown, Rapid Testing Is the New Velvet Rope

Education leaders warned the UK government’s climbdown on A-level results would create problems for universities for years.

The title, "The Velvet Rope," "means different things to different people," Janet explained during a lengthy conference call with a dozen journalists. "One example is going to a nightclub. The velvet ropes they put up separate the people inside from those wanting to get in. The ones inside feel special.1997/12/23

noun C ]
an occasion when you change your opinion or admit that you were wrong

CNN - Janet Jackson hangs emotions out on 'The Velvet Rope ...

Rapid Testing Is the New Velvet Rope

Determined to proceed with events this summer, hosts are adding screenings at the door. But such measures are hardly a guarantee of safety, experts warn.

Amanda Seekamp, who is in charge of guest relations at the Surf Lodge i
