2020年8月3日 星期一

newcomer, the plot thickens, at a clip,

Scientists Worry About Political Influence Over Coronavirus Vaccine Project

Scientists Worry About Political Influence Over Coronavirus Vaccine Project

By Sharon LaFraniere, Katie Thomas, Noah Weiland, Peter Baker and Annie Karni
Operation Warp Speed has moved along at a rapid clip. But some people involved in the process fear pressure to deliver an October surprise for President Trump.

The miniseries should also prompt newcomers to discover the banquet that awaits them in Vikram Seth’s immersive novel


“A Suitable Boy” passes every test for a televisual meal
A concise, brilliant adaptation of “A Suitable Boy”

Covid-19 and the heart: Two new studies suggest 'the plot thickening'


"We've understood for a few months now that Covid-19 is not only a respiratory infection but a multi-system infection."

Since the coronavirus pandemic first began, evidence has emerged showing that Covid-19 can damage more than the lungs.

Bolivia’s other intoxicating export—fine wine
A newcomer to tipple’s top table

At a clip definition: If something moves or happens at a fast clip , it moves or happens quickly. |

at a rapid clip. 〈話〉ものすごい速さで、猛烈{もうれつ}なスピード[勢い]で、猛スピードで

the plot thickens
  1. used when a situation is becoming more and more complicated and puzzling.
