2020年8月29日 星期六

heart catheterisation, catheter, introducer, jugular vein, pulmonary capillary wedge position.

Today we celebrate the bravery and achievements of Werner Forssmann, born #OnThisDay, who put his life at risk by performing the first human heart catheterisation - on himself.
Forssmann knew his superiors would never approve of his plan. The young German surgeon was frustrated by how difficult it was to access the human heart, but he doubted he'd get permission to perform a risky new procedure. And so, in 1929, he tried it on himself.
From the crook of his arm he inserted a thin catheter through a vein into his heart and took an X-ray photo. It was the very first heart catheterisation, which today is a common procedure used to find heart defects, deliver medicine and open up blocked arteries.
The experiment paved the way for many types of heart studies and in 1956 Forssmann shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

The Urinary Catheterization Range facilitates teaching of urethral and suprapubic catheterization for all levels of training, including ultrasound.
A patient undergoing a procedure where an 8 F introducer was placed in the right internal jugular vein using a 5F MAK access kit. A 7 F balloon tipped catheter was introduced via the venous sheath, the balloon was inflated and the catheter was advanced through the right heart chambers into the pulmonary capillary wedge position. Right sided pressures were obtained and cardiac output was measured using thermodilution.
A person undergoing a procedure where an 8 F introducer was placed in the right jugular vein using a 5F MAK access kit. A 7 F balloon tipped catheter was introduced via the venous sheath, the balloon was inflated and the catheter was advanced through the right heart chambers into the pulmonary capillary wedge position. Right sided pressures were obtained and cardiac output was measured using thermodilution.

使用5F MAK訪問?套件將8 F導引器放置在右頸靜脈內的患者。 通過靜脈鞘管插入一個7 F球囊尖端的導管,對球囊充氣,將導管通過右心室推進到肺毛細血管楔形位置。 獲得右側壓力並使用熱稀釋法測量心輸出量。

heart catheterisation
urinary catheterisation
