2020年8月10日 星期一

'costs /worth an arm and leg', Eternals, disarming

In the mid-1990s, Mr. Cannon turned his love of baseball into the Baseball Reliquary, a nonprofit organization that comprises a disarming collection of unusual objects and includes the Shrine of the Eternals — individuals elected annually more for their unique characters and achievements than for their statistics or their official place in baseball’s history.

在1990年代中期,坎農先生將對棒球的熱愛轉化為非營利性組織“棒球古物寶盒”,該組織包括大量不尋常的物品,並包括永恆之宮。 他們每年根據獨特性選出,而非根據棒球統計數據或官方的歷史位置。

If Nvidia, a chip company, owned Arm, it would exercise a degree of control over potential rivals
Nvidia tries to get its hands on Arm
Worth an arm and a leg



The phrase 'costs an arm and leg' is used to describe anything that is considered to be extremely expensive or excessively pricey. If a person thinks the cost of something is unreasonably high, they might use this common idiom to describe the price.

disarm 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯


disarm verb (REMOVE WEAPONS)

I or T ]
to take weapons away from someone, or to give up weapons or armies
With one movement, she disarmed the man and pinned him against the wall.她一下子就繳了那男子的械,並把他按到牆上。
Many politicians argued that this was no time to disarm (= give up the country's weapons and army).很多政治家爭辯說現在不是交出國家的武器和軍隊的時候。
Experts successfully managed to disarm the bomb (= stop it from exploding).專家們成功地拆除了炸彈的引信。

disarm verb (PERSONALITY)

T ]
to make someone like you, especially when they had not expected to
His frankness completely disarmed her.他的坦率徹底征服了她。
