2019年6月16日 星期日

hamfisted, zip line, Justice of the Peace, JP


太平紳士(Justice of the Peace,JP,也譯作治安法官)是一種源於英國,由政府委任民間人士擔任維持社區安寧、防止非法刑罰及處理一些較簡單的法律程序的職銜, ...

'We are not going to cut off our noses to spite our faces,' said one former US intelligence chief. 'They are hamfisted threats from people who don’t really understand how the relationship works.'

The 800-meter journey, which lasts around 60 seconds, begins at the balcony of the tower and hits speeds of up to 90 kilometers per hour.

'We are not going to cut off our noses to spite our faces,' said one former US intelligence chief. 'They are hamfisted threats from people who don’t really understand how the relationship works.'

zip line consists of a pulley suspended on a cable, usually made of stainless steel, mounted on a slope. It is designed to enable cargo or a person propelled by ...
