2019年6月21日 星期五

autumn, the autumn term, autumn years

Someone's autumn years are the later years of their life, especially after they have stopped working.。

the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes colderin the autumn of 2010in early/late autumnthe autumn term (= for example at a school or college in Britain)autumn colours/leavesIt's been a very mild autumn this year.
  1. 1UC((主に英))秋(((米))fall)(◆((英))では8,9,10月のこともある);〔形容詞的に〕秋の(◆autumnal より日常的)
    • in (theautumn
    • 秋に
    • autumn rains [fruits]
    • 秋の雨[くだもの]
  2. 1aUC《天文》秋季(◇秋分から冬至まで)
  3. 2U(成熟期が過ぎて)衰えの始まる時期,初老期
