2019年6月2日 星期日

victorious, decadent, go up for auction, carry the day, carry the ball, when the chips are down

Which of the world's two biggest economies will emerge victorious?

McDonald's delivers some unsavoury results for the first quarter of 2015. After a long run of success, the world’s largest fast-food chain is floundering—and activist investors are circling http://econ.st/1GiXqN0

IN A brand-new McDonald’s outlet near its headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, customers do not have to queue at the counter. They can go to a touch screen and...

By ERIK HAYDEN Christie's has announced a charity auction beginning in late September, with Bond's flashy wheels taking the top billing.

Someone in New York paid $302,500 dollars for a Barbie wearing a diamond necklace.

go up
1.  Be put up, as in New buildings are going up all over town.
2.  Rise; increase. For example, His temperature is going up at an alarming rate, or The costs of construction are going up all the time[Late 1800s]
3.  Also, be gone up. Be destroyed, ruined, done for; also, die, be killed. For example, If we're not back in a week, you'll know we've gone up, or In spite of our efforts, the plans for a new library are gone up. [Slang; mid-1800s]
4.  Forget one's lines on the stage or make a mistake in performing music. For example, Don't worry, you know your part and you won't go up, or He went up in the last movement of the sonata. [Slang; 1960s] Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with go up.


1 (絶頂期のあとで)衰退していく, 堕落に向かっている;退廃的な;衰退期の.
2 デカダン派[風]の.
1 退廃的な人.
2 ((しばしばD-))デカダン(頹廢派の作家).

carry the ball

1. Lit. to be the player who is relied on to gain yardage, especially in football. It was the fullback carrying the ball. Yes, Tom alwayscarries the ball.
2. Fig. to be in charge; to be considered reliable enough to make sure that a job gets done. We need someone who knows how to getthe job done. Hey, Sally! Why don't you carry the ball for us? John can't carry the ball. He isn't organized enough.

carry the day
Win, prevail, as in At auctions the wealthiest bidders usually carry the day[Late 1600s]

Definition of

 carry the day in English:

Be victorious or successful:the gusto of the amateur should carry the day

when the chips are down

Fig. at the final, critical moment; when things really get difficult. When the chips are down, I know that I can depend on Jean to helpout. I knew you would come and help when the chips were down.
