2019年6月16日 星期日

curdle, climbdown, rude health

15 小時前 - Officials in Hong Kong said they would suspend controversial proposed legislation. There will be other efforts to erode the city's freedoms.

America's largest banks are in rude health—the rudest, arguably, since the financial crisis a decade ago

The government is preparing a climbdown over its key Brexit bill in the House of Lords on the issue of EU rules on clinical trials, as it braces itself for a series of defeats.

"The two men share character flaws that rise to the surface and curdle their presidencies."

They're not the same, but they are too alike.

rude health. phrase. If someone is in rude health, they are strong and healthy. He is in rude health and can cycle 40 or 50 miles non-stop.


  1. a withdrawal from a position taken up in argument or negotiation.

    "a humiliating climbdown by the government over economic policy"
. 名詞 屈服,從先前的位置或觀點退讓    認錯,讓步。

curdle | Definition of curdle in English by Oxford Dictionaries


Definition of curdle - separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.
