2019年5月31日 星期五

Kina, irreconcilable, vendetta

Donald Trump interpreted the special counsel’s pro-reading message as a thinly veiled attack on him

American universities have long struggled to meet almost irreconcilable demands: to be practical as well as transcendent; to assist immediate national needs and to pursue knowledge for its own sake; to both add value and question values.

Financial Times

That's irreconcilable with democracy.

(Picture by Getty)

The FT View: Donald Trump is blurring the lines between personal vendettas and his public duties


irreconcilableの意味や使い方 【形容詞】1〈人など〉和解できない,妥協できない.2〈思想・意見など〉調和[両立]しない; 〔…と〕矛盾して 〔with〕.用例irreconcilable opinions 相いれない意見.The ... - 約1080万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる ...
