2019年5月2日 星期四

misremember, withering/ blistering critique. characterizations

Barr Defends Handling of Mueller Report Against Withering Rebukes
Barr Defends Handling of Mueller Report Against Withering Rebukes


Attorney General William P. Barr faced blistering criticism from Democrats about his characterizations of the Mueller report, but told the Senate Judiciary Committee he had been truthful.


Greenspan gives a withering critique of Republicans in his memoir, saying they deserved to lose power for forsaking fiscal discipline.

Sonnets in Marble
Published: August 10, 2007
Reputation is the strangest thing. An artist is celebrated; he’s on top of the world. He dies, and his work is forgotten, or misremembered, or misunderstood as fashions change and canons form. Then suddenly he’s back in the spotlight, or what survives of him is, with scholars scrambling to make up for lost attention and time.

To remember incorrectly.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.
Art Review | 'Desiderio da Settignano'

The children drinking five pints a week

1 A withering look/remark/etc. is one that is intended to make someone feel ashamed:
He said that Lizzie had been drunk at the time and I saw her shoot him a withering glance.

2 severe and extremely critical:
He made a withering attack on government policy.critique
noun [C]
a report of something such as a political situation or system or a person's work or ideas, which examines it and provides an often negative judgment:
a Marxist critique of neo-liberal economic policy

forsake (STOP)
verb [T] forsook, forsaken FORMAL
to stop doing or having something:
He decided to forsake politics for journalism.
