2019年5月18日 星期六

To mark. The United States acknowledges. Acknowledge or celebrate (an important event) with a particular action.

一字為台海定法(陶 傑)

The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.
中文中的「認為」,不是「認知」,而是「不表態」。《上海公報》之後,美中《建交公報》,中譯繼續犯錯,或者故意採取與美方不一樣的立場,將Acknowledge 進一步譯為「承認」。

  1. 1.
    accept or admit the existence or truth of.
    "the plight of the refugees was acknowledged by the authorities"
    synonyms:admitacceptgrantallowconcedeconfessownappreciaterecognizerealize, be aware of, be conscious of; More
  2. 2.
    recognize the importance or quality of.
    "the art world has begun to acknowledge his genius"


Indicate the position of.
‘the top of the pass marks the border between Alaska and the Yukon’

3.1 Separate or delineate (a particular section or area)
‘you need to mark out the part of the garden where the sun lingers longest’

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3.2 (of a particular quality or feature) distinguish (someone or something) from other people or things.
‘his sword marked him out as an officer’

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3.3 mark someone out for Select or destine someone for (a particular role or fate)
‘the solicitor general marked him out for government office’

3.4mark someone down as Judge someone to be (a particular type of person)
‘she had marked him down as a dangerous liberal’

3.5 Acknowledge or celebrate (an important event) with a particular action.
‘to mark its fiftieth birthday the charity held a fashion show’

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‘The event also marked the beginning of Pattaya's St. Valentine's Day celebrations.’
‘Plans are being formulated to hold a celebration event to mark the 10th anniversary of the club next April.’
‘A presentation was made to both earlier this year to mark the 50th anniversary of their position.’
‘The good weather added to the spectacle and everyone involved should be very proud of the celebrations to mark the Feast Day of our Patron Saint.’
‘The finished design marks the 400th anniversary of the 1605 gunpowder plot, led by infamous York son Guy Fawkes.’
‘The bravery and resourcefulness of British prisoners of war will be celebrated in an exhibition marking the 60th anniversary of the Great Escape.’
‘It was the highlight of a series of events held last week to mark the beginning of six months of celebrations to marks the Quakers' important anniversary.’
‘The celebrations marking the end of the ‘Great Patriotic War’ are underway in Moscow.’
‘Four generations of the Salt family gathered in a building constructed by their ancestor to mark a festival celebrating Sir Titus Salt.’
‘Friends of Reuben was formed last February 23 and they will hold a celebration to mark its achievements on its first anniversary next week.’
‘It was all of 21 years since the team had won the Mayo and Connacht honours and some members felt the time to hold a celebration to mark the event.’
‘A church celebrating its 50th anniversary is to mark the occasion with two special events.’
‘I'll ask him why he's boycotting tomorrow's anniversary celebration in Moscow marking the end of World War Two.’
‘This ritual together with tonight's celebrations are all that mark an event which has now become pretty meaningless to British society.’
‘And when they came to the end of their trek their achievement was marked with celebrations.’
‘The week beginning July 8 would be marked by a flag ceremony.’
‘The celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the event have been unprecedented in scope.’
‘Celebrations to mark the big event were on a grand scale and went on for three nights.’
‘This ceremony is supposed to mark an important event in the life of the eunuchs, when they realise their dream of marrying for once.’
‘Graduation from high school and from college are seen as important events that mark the beginning of adulthood.’

3.6 Be an indication of (a significant event or stage)
‘a series of incidents which marked a new phase in the terrorist campaign’

3.7 Characterize as having a particular quality or feature.
‘the reaction to these developments has been marked by a note of hysteria’

3.8 British (of a  clock or watch) show (a certain time)
‘his watch marked five past eight’

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