Trump Administration Sends Congress List of Possible Russia Sanctions
The list appeared to be an effort to mollify critics, including Senator John McCain of Arizona, who have criticized delays in imposing new sanctions.
"I'm sure the programme will be delightful, after a few expurgations. French songs I cannot possibly allow. People always seem to think that they are improper, and either look shocked, which is vulgar, or laugh, which is worse. But German sounds a thoroughly respectable language, and indeed, I believe is so."
--Lady Bracknell from "The Importance of Being Earnest" (I.132)
--Lady Bracknell from "The Importance of Being Earnest" (I.132)
The London Journal was but one of various journals written by Boswell, now gathered into a number of published volumes, but it is the only one whose material had not undergone extensive familial expurgation in the 19th century, and so it retained the racy material that made the London Journal an astonishing best seller on its publication.
'A Hologram for the King'
Reviewed by PICO IYER
In his new novel, a
parable of America in the global economy, Dave Eggers shows some of the
range and serious engagement with American ideals that characterized
the work of Norman Mailer.
Egypt Purges Mubarak-Era Police Officers
Egypt's transitional military government announced the early retirement of more than 600 senior police officers Wednesday in an effort to mollify thousands of protesters.
Book Challenges Obama on Mother's Deathbed Fight
The book suggests that the president mischaracterized a central anecdote about Ann Dunham's deathbed dispute with her insurance company.
The Impressionism that dominated the pictorial art of the later years of the nineteenth century was largely a modified and very delicate imitation. Breaking with conventions as to how things are supposed to be—conventions mainly based not on seeing but on knowing or imagining—the Impressionist insists on purging his vision from knowledge, and representing things not as they are but as they really look. He imitates Nature not as a whole, but as she presents herself to his eyes. It was a most needful and valuable purgation, since painting is the art proper of the eye. But, when the new effects of the world as simply seen, the new material of light and shadow and tone, had been to some extent—never completely—mastered, there was inevitable reaction. Up sprang Post- Impressionists and Futurists. They will not gladly be classed together, but both have this in common—they are Expressionists, not Impressionists, not Imitators.
Modern life is not simple—cannot be simple—ought not to be; it is not for nothing that we are heirs to the ages. Therefore the art that utters and expresses our emotion towards modern life cannot be simple; and, moreover, it must before all things embody not only that living tangle which is felt by the Futurists as so real, but it must purge and order it, by complexities of tone and rhythm hitherto unattempted. One art, beyond all others, has blossomed into real, spontaneous, un233conscious life to-day, and that is Music; the other arts stand round arrayed, half paralyzed, with drooping, empty hands. The nineteenth century saw vast developments in an art that could express abstract, unlocalized, unpersonified feelings more completely than painting or poetry, the art of Music.

tr.v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies.
- To calm in temper or feeling; soothe. See synonyms at pacify.
- To lessen in intensity; temper.
- To reduce the rigidity of; soften.
[Middle English mollifien, from Old French mollifier, from Late Latin mollificāre : Latin mollis, soft + -ficāre, -fy.]
mollifiable mol'li·fi'a·ble adj.mollification mol'li·fi·ca'tion (-fĭ-kā'shən) n.
mollifier mol'li·fi'er n.
mollifyingly mol'li·fy'ing·ly adv.
- 発音記号[əréi]
1 ((通例受身))((形式))〈軍隊などを〉配列する, 配置する, (…に対して)陣容を整える((against ...))
2 ((通例〜 -selfまたは受身))((文))…を(…で)装う, 盛装する((in ...))
3 《法律》〈人の〉名前を(陪審員候補者名簿に)登載する.
2 (…の)列挙, 一続き, ずらりと並んだもの((of ...))
3 (ユニット機器の)配列.
5 [U]陪審員候補者名簿;陪審員候補者全員.
6 《数学・統計》配列.
7 《天文》干渉計配列.
8 《コンピュータ》アレイ, 配列
array processing
- 発音記号[pə'ːrdʒ]
[動](他)[purge A of B/purge (away) B from A]
2 〈A(国・政党・宗派など)からB(人)を〉追放する, パージする
3 〈A(腸)に下剤をかけてB(異物)を〉除く.
1 清浄になる, 浄化される.
2 通じがつく;下剤をかける.
1 浄化.
3 ((古風))下剤.
- 発音記号[pəːrgéiʃən]
1 清めること, 浄化;浄罪;粛清.
2 (下剤で)便通をつけること.expurgate
Syllabification: (ex·pur·gate)
Pronunciation: /ˈekspərˌgāt/
Translate expurgate | into Italian verb
[with object] (often as adjective expurgated)Derivatives
early 17th century (in the sense 'purge of excrement'): from Latin expurgat- 'thoroughly cleansed', from the verb expurgare, from ex- 'out' + purgare 'cleanse'hologram[ho・lo・gram]
- 発音記号[hɑ'ləgræ`m | hɔ'l-]
characterize, ((英))-ise[char・ac・ter・ize, ((英))-ise]
- 発音記号[kǽriktəràiz]