2017年10月26日 星期四

slippery slope, rose bird, finger-pointing, P45, pink slip, layoff,

Blank Checks in Politics
A new case could allow more campaign donations. Is that a slippery slope?

A Snapshot of a Generation May Come Out Blurry
Social scientists have been surveying young people for decades, looking for trends in thinking and behavior, but assessing a generation's collective personality is a far slipperier territory.

Finger-Pointing From Within London Professionals in London's financial district themselves say they are overpaid and obsessed with bonuses, according to a survey.

HMRC resists going ‘digital’

HMRC is resisting the central government mandate to close call centres and move all services on line because, in their words, ‘it would annoy a lot of people’.

Quite; it would annoy a lot of people who are already very annoyed. But for how long will HMRC hold out? To calm ministers HMRC leaders talk of digital being ‘the future’ and say there is ‘no guarantee’ contact centres will remain open indefinitely. This could, of course, be a ‘P45’ position. [For overseas readers: a P45 is the form you are given when you get fired]. 

The many investment bankers from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs getting pink slips this week will be thrust into a job market already saturated with thousands of unemployed bankers. Where will they go, The Deal wonders? One possibility: private equity and hedge funds.

洛杉磯報導 3月13日被稱為「粉紅星期五」(Pink Friday),學區發出裁員通知單(pink slips)的最後一天。「粉紅星期五」過後,這一波由於預算削減帶來的大規模裁減教師的恐慌,在學生家長中造成相當大的衝擊,不少華裔家長擔心孩子們的教育受到影響。 ...

The many investment bankers from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs getting pink slips this week will be thrust into a job market already saturated with thousands of unemployed bankers. Where will they go, The Deal wonders? One possibility: private equity and hedge funds.

In a Twitter Age, Even Bad News Like Layoffs Is on the Company Blog

In Era of Blog Sniping, Companies Shoot First

Published: November 4, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO — During past downturns, layoffs were mostly a private affair. Big companies tended to issue vague press releases filled with jargon about “downsizing,” and start-ups often gave people the pink slip without telling the world anything at all.

pink slip noun [C] US INFORMAL
a document given to a person telling them that they do not have a job any more

pink-slip Show phonetics
verb [T often passive] US INFORMAL
to get rid of someone or something that is no longer needed
pink slip

Rose Bird

Rose Elizabeth Bird (November 2, 1936–December 4, 1999)
rose bird
bird= prison

Yet this is no more of a worry than slippery slopes generally.
然而 這不必憂慮 這問題不會導致一般地災難情況 (錯譯)
比起一般朝向惡果的行為  這還比較不令人擔憂

slippery slope
A tricky precarious situation, especially one that leads gradually but inexorably to disaster: "[Without] a clear boundary to confer personhood on a human being ... we approach a slippery slope that ends in the disposal of inconvenient people" (Steven Pinker).

slippery slope

a course of action likely to lead to something bad or disastrous:he is on the slippery slope towards a life of crime

    1. Any of various warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertebrates of the class Aves, having forelimbs modified to form wings.
    2. Such an animal hunted as game.
    3. Such an animal, especially a chicken or turkey, used as food: put the bird in the oven.
  1. See clay pigeon.
  2. Sports. See shuttlecock.
  3. Slang. A rocket, guided missile, satellite, or airplane.
  4. Slang. A person, especially one who is odd or remarkable: a sly old bird.
  5. Chiefly British Slang. A young woman.
  6. Slang.
    1. A loud sound expressing disapproval; a raspberry.
    2. Discharge from employment: lost a big sale and nearly got the bird.
  7. An obscene gesture of anger, defiance, or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward.
