2017年10月29日 星期日

bark, embark, floe, drift, foster, diversify, shift, shift focus

Trump Tries to Shift Focus Amid Reports of Looming Charges

Mr. Trump attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter as he and his advisers braced for the first public action from the special prosecutor in the Russia inquiry, who is reportedly poised to issue an indictment.

彭博商業周刊 / 中文版
對里安(Ryan)與博伊科(Adam Boyko)來說,狗的口水可是一門家族事業。過去十年,兄弟倆跑遍全球各地,從克羅地亞、斐濟、印度、秘魯、卡塔爾、烏干達與其他十幾個國家搜集了數以千計的狗唾液樣本。他們將這些樣本帶回亞當斯設於康奈爾大學(Cornell University)的遺傳學實驗室,仔細檢視樣本DNA,尋找人類最忠實朋友的歷史與演進線索。
博伊科兄弟現在要把他們的工作領域進一步擴大。他們說,到今年春末,他們新創的狗類遺傳學公司「開端獸醫公司」(Embark Veterinary),就能開始出售DNA測試工具,讓美國的狗主人通過科學手段,進一步認識他們養的狗的健康、行為與家族史。(此前美國初創公司23andMe推出了為人設計的DNA測試工具,而博伊科兄弟的產品有些像是23andMe的狗類版本。)開端獸醫還計畫運用檢驗資料,加深對犬類整體健康與行為的瞭解。開端獸醫首席科技官、也是康奈爾大學獸醫學院助理教授的亞當斯說,「我們有興趣的,不僅是把檢驗得到的資料交還給狗主人而已,還要在實際上改善狗類遺傳學研究的行事方式。」 康奈爾獸醫學院是開端獸醫的研究夥伴。.....

 After the funeral, Koichi, Shige and Keizo decide to leave immediately, with only Noriko not returning. After they leave, Kyoko complains to Noriko that they are selfish and inconsiderate. Noriko responds that everyone has their own life to lead and that the drift between parents and children is inevitable.

Apple Shifts Chip Suppliers
Apple has shifted some memory-chip orders for its coming iPhone from Samsung to other chip makers, suggesting that Apple is diversifying its suppliers as patent disputes between the two technology giants escalate.

Post Offices Face Hurdles in Efforts to Diversify

Proposals for the Postal Service to expand beyond mail have met with resistance from Congress and potential competitors, but a bipartisan bill would let it enter into several new lines of business.

Russia has already embarked on reforms to diversify away from oil dependence and foster a high-technology sector.

Many American Jews are deeply worried about where Israel is going. Many other are just drifting away.

How 'Hybrid' Nonprofits Can Stay on Mission
As nonprofits add more for-profit elements to their business models, they can suffer mission drift. Associate Professor Julie Battilana says hybrid organizations can stay on target if they focus on two factors: the employees they hire and the way they socialize those employees.

A teenager has been dramatically rescued after becoming trapped on an ice floe with three polar bears. 一名少年戲劇性地獲救,在他和3隻北極熊困在一塊浮冰上之後。羅彥傑

The Canadian, named locally as Jupi Nakoolak, was discovered drifting in the Arctic sea after he had embarked on a hunting expedition with his 67-year-old uncle.
It is understood they got into trouble when one of their snowmobiles broke down.
The 17-year-old Inuit set off to find help but became stranded when the ice floe broke away and drifted loose, according to rescue teams.


C1 [ I or T ] to (cause something or someone to) move or change from one position or direction to another, especially slightly:

She shifted (her weightuneasily from one foot to the other.
The wind is expected to shift (to the easttomorrow.

C1 [ I ] (of an ideaopinion, etc.) to change:

Society's attitudes towards women have shifted enormously over the last century.
Media attention has shifted recently onto environmental issues.

[ T ] mainly us uk usually change to move the gears of a vehicle into different positions in order to make it go faster or slower:

In cars that are automatics, you don't have to bother with shifting gears.


  • 発音記号[divə'ːrsəti | dai-]
a diversity of methods


  • 発音記号[divə'ːrsəfài | dai-]
[動](他)…を多様化する, さまざまに変化させる;〈投資を〉多角的にする.
━━(自)〈企業などが〉多角的な投資をする;種々の作物[製品]を生産する;(…に)事業を広げる((into ...)).

floe (flō) pronunciation
  1. An ice floe.
  2. A segment that has separated from such an ice mass.
[Probably from Norwegian flo, layer, from Old Norse flō.]


1 [U][C](潮・風に)流されること, 漂流, (航空機の)偏流;((比喩))推進力, 圧力;[U]威力, 強い影響力
the drift of an iceberg
following the drift of one's emotions

2 [U][C](…への)大勢, 傾向, 動向, 風潮((toward ...)). ▼外的な影響に流される意味合いが強い. ⇒TENDENCY[類語]
a drift toward nationalism
The drift of opinion was against [toward] war.

3 [U][C]意味, 意向, 趣旨
I'm sorry, I don't catch your drift.
Do you get my drift? [=Get the drift?]

4 (吹き寄せられて)漂うもの(雲など);(雪・木の葉などの)吹きだまり;(あらしに追われて)牧場からさまよい出る家畜の群れ
a drift of clouds across the sky
a drift of snow
5 [U]成り行き任せ
a policy of drift
6 [U][C]《海事》
(1) 流速, 潮流速度;(滑車装置の)2滑車間の最大伸展距離.
(2) 吹送流:風によって生じるゆるやかな海流.
7 《言語学》変流, (個別言語特有の)変化傾向. ▼Edward Sapirの用語.
8 《軍事》(弾丸の)定偏.
9 《機械》ドリフト:金属の穴を拡大する器具;ドリル抜き.
10 《土木》(トンネルの)横坑;《採鉱》樋押(ひおし)坑道.
11 《電子工学》
(1) ドリフト:(電子管の)動作特性の変化.
(2) 電荷子運動.
12 《地質学》漂礫(ひょうれき);漂[永]礫土.
1I([副])](潮流・気流などのまにまに)漂う, 漂流する, 運ばれる;〈魚が〉ゆらりゆらりと泳ぐ;〈人が〉当てもなくさまよう, 遍歴する
drift about in the sea
drift down a river
drift north with a current
drift from one job to another
2 〈雪・砂などが〉吹き積もる, 吹きだまりになる
The snow is drifting badly.
3I([副])]一定の道からそれる;いつの間にか(…に)陥る((into ...));(…に)移る((to ...));(…から)離れる((from ...))
a couple drifting apart
drift into a bad habit
drift off (to sleep)
Gradually he drifted away from the gang.
The conversation drifted to the topic of baseball.
4 〈価格・収入などが〉ゆるやかに変動する.
1 〈潮流・気流が〉…を漂流させる, 押し流す((away, out))
The current drifted the boat out from its moorings.
2 〈砂・雪などを〉吹き寄せる;〈雪・木の葉が〉〈道・野を〉おおう
a trail drifted with leaves
3 《機械》〈ボルト穴を〉ドリフトで大きくする, 整孔する.

v., drift·ed, drift·ing, drifts. v.intr.
  1. To be carried along by currents of air or water: a balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore.
  2. To proceed or move unhurriedly and smoothly: drifting among the party guests.
  3. To move leisurely or sporadically from place to place, especially without purpose or regular employment: a day laborer, drifting from town to town.
    1. To wander from a set course or point of attention; stray.
    2. To vary from or oscillate randomly about a fixed setting, position, or mode of operation.
  4. To be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of a current: snow drifting to five feet.
  1. To cause to be carried in a current: drifting the logs downstream.
  2. To pile up in banks or heaps: Wind drifted the loose straw against the barn.
  3. Western U.S. To drive (livestock) slowly or far afield, especially for grazing.
  1. The act or condition of drifting.
  2. Something moving along in a current of air or water.
  3. A bank or pile, as of sand or snow, heaped up by currents of air or water.
  4. Geology. Rock debris transported and deposited by or from ice, especially by or from a glacier.
    1. A general trend or tendency, as of opinion. See synonyms at tendency.
    2. General meaning or purport; tenor: caught the drift of the conversation.
    1. A gradual change in position.
    2. A gradual deviation from an original course, model, method, or intention.
    3. Variation or random oscillation about a fixed setting, position, or mode of behavior.
  5. A gradual change in the output of a circuit or amplifier.
  6. The rate of flow of a water current.
    1. A tool for ramming or driving something down.
    2. A tapered steel pin for enlarging and aligning holes.
    1. A horizontal or nearly horizontal passageway in a mine running through or parallel to a vein.
    2. A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels.
  7. A drove or herd, especially of swine. See synonyms at flock1.
[From Middle English, drove, herd, act of driving.]
drifty drift'y adj.

bark 1 

Pronunciation: /bɑːk/ 


1The sharp explosive cry of a dog, fox, or seal.

  em·bark (ĕm-bärk') pronunciation
v., -barked, -bark·ing, -barks. v.tr.
  1. To cause to board a vessel or aircraft: stopped to embark passengers.
  2. To enlist (a person or persons) or invest (capital) in an enterprise.
  1. To go aboard a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a journey.
  2. To set out on a venture; commence: embark on a world tour.
[French embarquer, from Late Old French, probably from Medieval Latin imbarcāre : Latin in-, in- + barca, boat.]
embarkation em'bar·ka'tion or em·bark'ment n.
