2017年10月19日 星期四

confining, boa constrictor on the loose, Oedipus, pastel, sphinx means binder or constrictor,

U.S., Allies Seek New Ways to Sanction Iran
The U.S. and its allies are looking at new ways to constrict Iran's energy, transportation and financial sectors after learning that Tehran had secretly developed a second nuclear-fuel facility.

《中英對照讀新聞》Boa constrictor on the loose in UK suburb 英國郊區紅尾蚺逃脫


hc:boa constrictor 不一定是"紅尾"。

British police have issued a snake alert after a boa constrictor escaped from its owner’s home in southern England, a spokesman said.
The two-metre long brown reptile with distinctive black markings got loose last week from a house in Chatham, south of London, triggering the warning to locals not to approach it.

He considered any attemp to predict new product development process as "confining".

Oedipus, pastel, sphinx means binder or constrictor,

Cornell University 更新了封面相片。

Picture Cornell: Physical Sciences Building glows in the pastel light of a winter sunset.

sphinx means binder or constrictor, pastel, Oedipus

For all their quarreling, madness and self-destruction, the Wittgensteins were at least spared one sort of dysfunction: there is no trace of incestuous impulses among them. The same, alas, cannot be said of the author’s own family. Evelyn Waugh freely avowed feelings of more than paternal tenderness for his daughter Meg. When she announced her intention to wed a young man, her father sadly wrote to a friend, “She wants children, and that is a thing I can’t decently provide for her.” Even Oedipus would blush.

Strauss's dismissal of the reasoned perfectibility of society did not, as many have claimed, lead to a belief that the quest for justice should not be attempted. It did mean that any attempt to attain justice could only approach its goal by taking into account the ambiguities, unpredictability and variability of humanity. Strauss stressed the inherent difficulty of the project, not the need for its abandonment; that was one reason for his elitism.
This view does not seem far from Benardete's. Oedipus, again, is a political leader who mistakenly believes that justice can be attained and suffering relieved by the narrow application of reason and will alone. The word sphinx means binder or constrictor, Benardete argues, which is just what such a narrow view of the human will do: bind rather than liberate. That was Benardete's response to the Sphinx's riddle.


  ━━ vt. (bound) しばる, くくる; しばりつける ((to)); 束ねる ((up)); 結び付ける ((together)); 巻く; 包帯を巻く ((up)); 製本する; へりをつける ((with)); 束縛[拘束]する; 義務づける ((to)); 年季奉公させる; (タール・セメントなどで)固める ((with)); くっつける ((to)); 【料理】…のつなぎになる; 便秘させる; 【コンピュータ】束縛する, (データを変数に)渡す.
━━ vi. しばる; 固まる; 拘束する; 便秘させる.
 be bound to …に恩義がある; …と密接に結びついている.
 be bound to do …する義務がある; 必ず…する; 〔米話〕 …する決心である.
 be bound up in …で忙しい; …に夢中である.
 be bound up with …と密接なつながりがある.
 bind down 拘束する.
 bind on くくりつける.
 bind over 【英法】執行猶予を申し渡す ((ときに  (a personover to keep the peaceの成句で)).
 bind oneself to …することを誓う.
 I'll be bound. 〔話〕 きっと.
━━ n. しばる物; (植物の)つる; 【楽】連結線; 〔話〕 厄介なはめ (in a ~ 窮して).
 bind・er ━━ n. しばる物[人], ひも; 製本屋; 接合剤; とじ込み表紙; 刈取り結束機; 仮契約(書).
 bind・er・y ━━ n. 製本所.
 bind・ing ━━ a., n. しばる, くくる(こと,物); 表紙; 束縛(する) ((on, upon)); 義務づける; 製本; 包帯; 縁取りの材料; (スキー靴を固定する)ビンディング.
binding energy 【物】結合エネルギー.
 bind・weed ヒルガオ(の類のつる草).


━━ n. 圧縮するもの; 【解】括約筋; 大ヘビ.


n. - 粉蠟筆, 漫筆作畫, 粉蠟筆畫adj. - 彩色蠟筆的, 柔和的

日本語 (Japanese) n. - パステル, パステル画, パステル画法

A drawing medium of dried paste made of ground pigments and a water-based binder that is manufactured in crayon form.
A crayon of this material.
A picture or sketch drawn with this type of crayon.
The art or process of drawing with pastels.
A soft delicate hue; a pale color: a room done all in pastels.

On the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Krystal and Tiffany Wheeler earn high school credits in adjacent pastel bedrooms after breakfast. The teachers come to them.

A sketchy or brief prose work.adj.
Of, relating to, or made of pastel.
Pale and soft in color.
[French, from Italian pastello, material made into a paste, from Late Latin pastellus, woad dye, diminutive of pasta, paste. See paste1.]


The adjective has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: restricting the scope or freedom of action
Synonyms: constraining, constrictive, limiting, restricting
Meaning #2: crowded
Synonym: close

on the loose
If a dangerous person is on the loose, they are free to move around a place and harm people:
Brewer escaped from prison last year and has been on the loose ever since.

boa constrictor
A large boa (Boa constrictor) of tropical America that has brown markings and kills its prey by constriction.

Definition of boa constrictor in English:


A large snake, typically with bold markings, that kills by coiling around its prey and asphyxiating it, native to tropical America.
  • Boa constrictor, family Boidae


v., -strict·ed, -strict·ing, -stricts. v.tr.
  1. To make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing.
  2. To squeeze or compress.
  3. To restrict the scope or freedom of; cramp: lives constricted by poverty.
To become constricted.
[Latin cōnstringere, cōnstrict-, to compress. See constrain.]
constrictive con·stric'tive adj.
constrictively con·stric'tive·ly adv.


--> ━━ n. ウワバミ, 大蛇 (boa constrictor); ボア ((婦人用毛皮えり巻)).
