FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics
The Nietzsche Canon: A Publication History and Bibliography
By William H. Schaberg
And publishers are beginning to diversify and broaden the canon: The definition of what is “classic” has expanded with books by authors previously marginalized or entirely lost to history.
4. "Nations"
Broadcast 21 October 2000 and covering 1216–1348, this is the epic account of how the nations of Britain emerged from under the hammer of England's "Longshanks" King Edward I, with a sense of who and what they were, which endures to this day.YouTube Channel Keeps Lid on Wages
YouTube joining the battle for video advertising dollars, start-up
culture has crept into the traditional television world. Even red-carpet
regulars are agreeing to working-class wages.
Nuclear crisis turns Japan ex-PM Kan into energy apostle Reuters
Canons of the Apostles :宗徒準則:早期教會法令集;又稱 Apostolic Canons 。
By Linda Sieg and Yoko Kubota | TOKYO (Reuters) - Nearly a year after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster, then-premier Naoto Kan is haunted by the specter of an even bigger crisis forcing tens of millions of people to flee Tokyo and threatening the ...
Wide World of Abstract Expressionism
“Beyond the Canon: Small Scale American Abstraction, 1945-1965” at the Robert Miller Gallery mixes together unknown gems, golden oldies and undistinguished work.
Line breaks: codex
Pronunciation: /ˈkəʊdɛks /
NOUN ( plural codices /ˈkəʊdɪsiːz, ˈkɒd-/ or codexes)
1An ancient manuscript text in book form:[ IN NAMES] : the great legal compilation known as the Codex Euricianus
late 16th century (denoting a collection of statutes): fromLatin, literally 'block of wood', later denoting a block split into leaves or tablets for writing on, hence a book.
Pronunciation: /ʃaŋk/
[with object] GolfOrigin:
Old English sceanca, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch schenk 'leg bone' and High German Schenkel 'thigh'. The use of the verb as a golfing term dates from the 1920scanon[can・on2]
- 発音記号[kǽnən] [名]《カトリック》司教座聖堂参事会員.n. (kăn"Ŭn)
1. A law or rule.
Or that the Everlasting had not fixedShak.
His canon 'gainst self-slaughter.
2. (Eccl.) A law, or rule of doctrine or discipline, enacted by a council and confirmed by the pope or the sovereign; a decision, regulation, code, or constitution made by ecclesiastical authority.
Various canons which were made in councils held in the second centry.Hook.
3. The collection of books received as genuine Holy Scriptures, called the sacred canon, or general rule of moral and religious duty, given by inspiration; the Bible; also, any one of the canonical Scriptures. See Canonical books, under Canonical, a.
4. In monasteries, a book containing the rules of a religious order.
5. A catalogue of saints acknowledged and canonized in the Roman Catholic Church.
6. A member of a cathedral chapter; a person who possesses a prebend in a cathedral or collegiate church.
7. (Mus.) A musical composition in which the voices begin one after another, at regular intervals, successively taking up the same subject. It either winds up with a coda (tailpiece), or, as each voice finishes, commences anew, thus forming a perpetual fugue or round. It is the strictest form of imitation. See Imitation.
8. (Print.) The largest size of type having a specific name; -- so called from having been used for printing the canons of the church.
9. The part of a bell by which it is suspended; -- called also ear and shank. Note: [See Illust. of Bell.] Knight.
10. (Billiards) See Carom.
Apostolical canons. See under Apostolical. -- Augustinian canons, Black canons. See under Augustinian. -- Canon capitular, Canon residentiary, a resident member of a cathedral chapter (during a part or the whole of the year). -- Canon law. See under Law. -- Canon of the Mass (R. C. Ch.), that part of the mass, following the Sanctus, which never changes. -- Honorary canon, a canon{6} who neither lived in a monastery, nor kept the canonical hours. -- Minor canon (Ch. of Eng.), one who has been admitted to a chapter, but has not yet received a prebend. -- Regular canon (R. C. Ch.), one who lived in a conventual community and followed the rule of St. Austin; a Black canon. -- Secular canon (R. C. Ch.), one who did not live in a monastery, but kept the hours.
canon : (1) 法典;(天主教)法典:天主教法典全稱為 Code of Canon Law 。 (2) 彌撒常典。 (3) 正典;法規:指教會所認可的聖經、信條。 (4) 議員;誦經員:主教座堂的議員、詠禮司鐸。
Canon Law, Code of :天主教法典;聖教法典;教會法典;教律:又可稱為 ecclesiastical canons / law ;拉丁文稱作 Codex Iuris Canonici ,簡稱 C.I.C. 。此法典 1917 年首次公佈,共 2414 條。 1983 年修訂為 1752 條,共七卷: (1) 總則。 (2) 天主子民。 (3) 教會訓導職。 (4) 教會聖化職。 (5) 教會財產。 (6) 教會刑法。 (7) 訴訟法。
Canon of the Mass :常典彌撒(彌撒常典);彌撒正則;感恩經(現稱):亦即 Eucharistic Prayer 。是彌撒的不變(精華)部分,包括頌謝詞和感恩經-禱詞、成聖體、成聖血、聖三頌等。
Canons of the Apostles :宗徒準則:早期教會法令集;又稱 Apostolic Canons 。
canonical :教會法的;教會法定的。
canonical hours :法定時辰:指教會的祈禱(日課)時刻,是照聖經每日七次祈禱的指示。詳見 Breviary 。
canonicals : (1) 法定祭服。 (2) 法定考試:昔日司鐸晉鐸後,三年內應參加教會的在職考試。
canonist :教會法學家;教律學家。
canonization :列入聖品;列入聖人級;宣佈為聖;宣聖;列品:教宗隆重聲明某些足為教會楷模者已升天國, 並應接受教會的尊敬、榮耀和讚譽。申請列品案件首先將候選人之言行、著作、聲譽、奇跡(殉道者免)等專案交由主教審斷,經調查屬實後,送交聖座,再經專案 小組審查,最後由教宗做裁決,宣佈其為「真福」,可供某地區或某團體敬禮及慶賀。接著可更上一層樓,將此真福者案件送交聖座重新審查,經審查合格(非殉道 者需要兩個奇跡)後,經教宗裁決可宣佈此真福為「聖人」,可供全球教會敬禮及慶祝。 1983 年 2 月 7 日 教宗若望保祿二世頒佈了新的宣聖宗座憲令,聖部法令亦於同日頒佈。參閱 beatification 。
noun [C usually plural] FORMAL OR SPECIALIZED
a rule, principle or law, especially in the Christian Church
1. Authorized; recognized.
2. Religion: Relating to canon law.
3. Art: Relating to a particular artist's works established as authentic and complete.
4. Literature: Relating to a list of literary works permanently established as having highest merit.
5. Math: In simplest or standard form.
6. Music: Relating to a piece of music in which a melody is played by different overlapping voices. Example: Pachelbel's Canon.
From Latin canon (measuring rod, rule), from Greek kanon (rule).
"Shakespeare, Shaw, Ibsen, and heaven knows what other canonical heavyweights one might care to name?" Matt Wolf; Newcomers Who Stole the Show; The New York Times; Dec 29, 2009.
"Watching John Mighton's play [Half Life] a second time, I found myself wondering how many drafts it must have gone through before reaching its canonical form." Robert Cushman; Welcome Back to T.O.; Financial Post (Canada); Jan 20, 2007.
- 発音記号[régjulər]
- (rĕg'yə-lər)
adj. - Customary, usual, or normal: the train's regular schedule.
- Orderly, even, or symmetrical: regular teeth.
- In conformity with a fixed procedure, principle, or discipline.
- Well-ordered; methodical: regular habits.
- Occurring at fixed intervals; periodic: regular payments.
- Occurring with normal or healthy frequency.
- Having bowel movements or menstrual periods with normal or healthy frequency.
- Not varying; constant.
- Formally correct; proper.
- Having the required qualifications for an occupation: not a regular lawyer.
- Informal. Complete; thorough: a regular scoundrel.
- Informal. Good; nice: a regular guy.
- Botany. Having symmetrically arranged parts of similar size and shape: regular flowers.
- Grammar. Conforming to the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation.
- Ecclesiastical. Belonging to a religious order and bound by its rules: the regular clergy.
- Mathematics.
- Having equal sides and equal angles. Used of polygons.
- Having faces that are congruent regular polygons and congruent polyhedral angles. Used of polyhedrons.
- Belonging to or constituting the permanent army of a nation.
- Ecclesiastical. A member of the clergy or of a religious order.
- A soldier belonging to a regular army.
- A dependable loyal person: one of the party regulars.
- A clothing size designed for persons of average height.
- A habitual customer.
[Middle English reguler, living under religious rule, from Old French, from Late Latin rēgulāris, according to rule, from Latin rēgula, rod, rule.]
regularity reg'u·lar'i·ty (-lăr'ĭ-tē) n.regularly reg'u·lar·ly adv.
1 規則正しい, 順序[秩序]だった, 規則[規律]的な;((略式))〈呼吸などが〉正常な;〈便通・生理が〉きちんとある
a regular heartbeat
at regular intervals
on a regular basis
keep regular hours
be (as) regular as clockwork
be [keep] regular
2 ((限定))決まった時刻の, 定期的な, 定時の, 定例の
regular service
a regular diet
a regular meeting
3 ((限定))いつもの, 常の, 通常の;普通[普段]の;習慣的な;決まった, 一定の
regular class
a regular client
a regular income
regular mail
I'm looking for some regular work.
4 ((限定))〈人が〉本職の, 正規の, 正式の, 本格的な, 正規(軍)の, 常備軍の;《米国政府》(党)公認の;《教会》〈修道士・修道女が〉修道会に属する(⇔secular)
a regular doctor
a regular member
5 ((限定))((米))普通の, 標準の, 並の, ありふれた
regular gasoline
a regular size T-shirt
a regular checking account
6 形のそろった, 整然とした;均整[調和]のとれた(⇔irregular)
regular features
7 ((略式))
(1) ((米))気持ち[感じ]のよい, 好感の持てる, 頼りになる
(1) ((米))気持ち[感じ]のよい, 好感の持てる, 頼りになる
a regular guy [fellow, Joe]
(2) ((おどけて))まったくの, 正真正銘の, その名に値する[恥じない]いいやつ.
a regular mystery
(3) ((皮肉に))大したまったくの謎.
You're a regular genius.
8 《文法》規則的な, 規則変化の
regular verbs
9 《植物》〈花が〉整正の;《鉱物》〈結晶が〉等軸の.
10 《数学》正の, 正規の, 正則の
a regular polygon [polyhedron]
1 ((通例〜s))((英略式))常連, お得意.
2 普通[標準]サイズ(の服).
3 レギュラー選手[出演者];((略式))常雇い, 正職員.
4 《教会》正規の修道士[女].
5 ((通例〜s))《軍事》正規[常備]兵;《米国政府》忠実な党員.
6 [U]((米略式))(ハイオクタン価ガソリンに対し)レギュラーガソリン
[中フランス語←ラテン語rēgulāris (rēgula尺度+-AR). △REGENT]
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