Fragrance company Axe has built a grooming products empire by buddying up with bros.
Buddy, who has been preparing a drum-set gift for Beth in the garage, opens the garage door and belatedly learns what has transpired.
Analysis: China perma-bears scent downbeat economic data ahead
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is set to deliver a rare treat to the perma-bears who growl constantly that the growth model that brought three decades of double-digit economic expansion is now broken - data showing that GDP fell below target between June ...
What is the definition of a "permabear"?
A permabear is somebody who is ALWAYS negative about the future direction of the markets and economy in general, no matter what.
There are two parts to this word that will help to let you know its meaning:
"perma" - permanent
"bear" - someone who believes in a falling stock market, or "bear" market
The opposite of a "permabear" is a "permabull". This is someone who has a rosy and optimistic view of the markets, no matter what transpires.
A permabear believes that there is always a monster lurking around the corner, waiting to take a bit out of the markets.
Permabears have had the attention of the investing public over the past two years, due to the implosion of equity markets worldwide.
Permabulls point out that the recession is nearly over, and economic growth is just around the corner.
Permabears point out that the US government is borrowing money at an alarming pace, printing dollars like crazy and diluting their currency at a rapid speed.
Permabears point out that economy-wrecking hyperinflation is just around the corner, due to the policies of the US government.
A permabear is permanently bearish on both the economy and equity markets.
Line breaks: buddy
Pronunciation: /ˈbʌdi
• informal , chiefly North American
mid 19th century (originally US): perhaps an alteration of brother, or a variant of 2) in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English)">butty2.
- 発音記号[péis]
1 歩調, 歩速, 速度, ペース
4 段, 広段.
5 (野球などの)球速.
force the pace
無理して急ぐ, (競争相手を疲れさせるために)ピッチを無理に上げる.
go the pace
(1) 大急ぎで歩く.(2) 放蕩(ほうとう)な生活をする.
go through one's paces
keep pace with ...
〈人と〉足並みをそろえる, 肩を並べる;〈発展・生活様式などに〉遅れをとらないようにする.
off (the) pace
put ... through his [its] paces
set the pace
(1) (先頭で)歩調を定める, ペースをつくる.(2) 模範を示す.
(3) 先端をいく.
show one's paces
力量をみせる, 腕前を示す.
stand [stay] the pace
try a person's paces
((略式))〈人の〉力量をためす, 人物を見る.
1 〈場所を〉歩調をとって[ゆっくり]歩く, 行ったり来たりする.
2 〈ある間隔・距離を〉歩測する((off, out)).
3 (先頭に立って)〈走者・騎手などに〉歩調[速度]を示す;〈こぎ手の〉速度を整える
4 〈馬に〉歩き方の訓練をする;〈馬が〉〈ある距離を〉一定の歩調[側対歩]で走る.
━━(自)ゆっくり一定の歩調で歩く, 行ったり来たりする((about, up and down));〈馬が〉一定の歩調で進む, 側対歩で走る(⇒PLOD(自)1, TRUDGE(自)).
[古フランス語←ラテン語(歩幅). △EXPAND]━━(自)ゆっくり一定の歩調で歩く, 行ったり来たりする((about, up and down));〈馬が〉一定の歩調で進む, 側対歩で走る(⇒PLOD(自)1, TRUDGE(自)).
- 発音記号[péisi | pɑ'ːtʃei]
pace my rival
私に反対の方には失礼ですが(▼他人の意見に反対するときのていねいな言い方だが, 時に皮肉の意を含む).
私に反対の方には失礼ですが(▼他人の意見に反対するときのていねいな言い方だが, 時に皮肉の意を含む).
Syllabification: (tran·spire)
Pronunciation: /tranˈspī(ə)r/
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